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  Feb 12, 2025
San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2016-2017 
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San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2016-2017 [Archived Catalog]

Financial Aid Resources




State and Federal Grants

Federal Pell Grant

Awards to eligible students are determined through the use of a payment schedule published annually by the U.S. Department of Education. Award amounts vary according to the:

  • Educational costs at the institution (the cost of attendance);
  • Student’s enrollment status (number of hours enrolled);
  • Annual appropriations and award maximums set by Congress; and
  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as calculated on the Student Aid Report (SAR).

Federal Pell grant funds are paid per semester, and Summer awards can be made if the student’s annual eligibility has not been exhausted during the Fall and Spring semesters.

A separate application form is required for Summer aid. Please check with Student Financial Aid Office for eligibility requirements.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This program provides grants from $200 to $1,000 to undergraduate students with a zero (0) Expected Family Contribution who are working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program. FSEOG funds are limited, and therefore are awarded on a first come first served basis to students with completed financial aid applications submitted to the Financial Aid Office.

Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)

Texas Public Educational Grants (TPEG) awards assistance to undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need through the FAFSA or as determined by Student Financial Aid. Awards range up to $2,000.00 and the amount of the award is based on need and availability of funds. Funds awarded are designed to assist Texas resident students, non-Texas resident students, students enrolled in a continuing education program, and foreign students. Students also must be undergraduates enrolled for at least six (6) semester credit hours.

Towards EXcellence Access and Success Grant (TEXAS)

The TEXAS Grant Program is available for Renewal student awards only beginning with the 2015-2016 year. The initial year fund has been replaced with the TEOG program awards described below. The following TEXAS grant program renewal criteria apply only to students with renewal grant eligibility.

  • Complete the FAFSA (or TASFA if applying under HB1403/SB1528 provision) and have financial need;
  • Maintain current Texas residency status;
  • Graduated from an accredited Texas high school;
  • Completed a recommended or advanced high school curriculum;
  • Have financial need according to the institutional budget (there is no EFC cap);
  • Enroll for at least 9 to 11 hours (three-quarter time) in an Associate Degree or Certificate program and complete at least 24 hours per academic year;
  • Enroll and receive the grant no later than the sixteenth (16) month after graduating from high school and before attempting more than thirty (30) hours (excluding Dual Credit and Credit by Exam);
  • Be registered with the Selective Service System as required by federal law or be exempt from selective service registration under federal law;
  • Not be convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance;
  • Not have earned an Associate or Baccalaureate Degree;
  • In first renewal year, student must meet the college’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy (See the policy in this catalog); and
  • For third (3rd) year (and beyond), student must have a minimum 2.5 GPA overall and minimum of 75% course completion rate in the most recent academic year.

Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG)

The TEOG Program pays grant funds for students who meet the following program criteria:

  • Maintain current Texas residency status;
  • Graduated from an accredited high school, charter school, private school, home school, or the General Equivalency Diploma (GED);
  • Apply for financial aid and have need with an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) below $4,801;
  • Enroll at least six (6) hours of courses (half-time);
  • Be in the first thirty (30) attempted hours of a first certificate or degree plan program;
  • Not have been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance;
  • Be registered with the Selective Service System as required by federal law or be exempt from selective service registration under federal law; and
  • Not be eligible for the TEXAS Grant Program.

Awards may be renewed based on criteria set by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. In addition to the above requirements, students must meet the following renewal criteria:

  • Not have earned an Associate or Baccalaureate Degree;
  • In first renewal year, meet the college’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy (See the policy in this catalog);
  • For third (3rd) year and beyond, student must have a minimum 2.5 GPA overall and minimum of 75% course completion rate in the most recent academic year; and
  • Received a TEOG for no more than seventy-five (75) attempted semester credit hours.

Top 10% Scholarship Program

Students who graduate in the top ten (10) percent of their high school class may qualify for the Top 10% Scholarship Program. Students will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until available funds have been spent. To be eligible for the first year, students must:

  • Be Texas residents;
  • Demonstrate financial need;
  • Complete a FAFSA by March 15;
  • FAFSA must be processed and cannot be in a reject status;
  • Complete the Recommended or Distinguished Achievement HS curriculum;
  • Rank in the top ten (10) percent by the end of the fall semester of the senior year in high school;
  • Graduate from an accredited high school in Texas; and
  • Enroll full-time in a Texas public 2-year or 4-year college or university in the fall semester following high school graduation.

To qualify for renewal, provided funding is available, students must:

  • Complete a FAFSA by March 15 (processed and cannot be in a reject status);
  • Successfully complete thirty (30) semester credit hours in the previous year;
  • Maintain a cumulative 3.25 GPA; and
  • Complete at least 75% of hours attempted

Alamo Colleges District Scholarships

The Alamo Colleges District awards many scholarships, based on the availability of institutional and private funds, to academically meritorious or needy students. Scholarships range from $300 to over $2,000 per academic year (September-May). All scholarships and other financial aid already awarded are taken into consideration when determining eligibility. Scholarship lists and applications are available online.

The Alamo Colleges District Foundation Scholarship Office and each of the college scholarship offices are responsible for application procedures, selection of recipients, notice of scholarship award, and renewal and revocation processes for each respective scholarship program.

Student Loan Programs

William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

Direct Student Loans Programs (Subsidized and Unsubsidized)

The Alamo Colleges District provides student loan funds directly from the Federal Government under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program.

Direct Student Loans are low-interest student loans certified by the Alamo Colleges District and guaranteed by the federal government. The interest rate for subsidized and unsubsidized loans is fixed at 4.29% for undergraduates loans borrowed on or after July 1, 2015. For loans made after October 1, 2015, a loan fee of 1.068% on the amount borrowed is assessed by the Federal Government.

For subsidized loans, the federal government pays the interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Unsubsidized loans, on the other hand, require students to make interest payments or to agree to capitalize the interest, which is deferred but becomes part of the principle. Dependent students may borrow up to $3,500 during their grade level one (1) year and up to $4,500 in grade level two (2) in addition to $2,000 of unsubsidized loans each year. Independent students can borrow up to the same level of subsidized amounts per grade level, and an additional $6,000 in unsubsidized loans per year. Because subsidized loans are based on financial need, the SFA Office establishes the amount students are eligible to borrow. Student loan repayment begins six (6) months after the student leaves school or drops below 6 hours (half-time) status.

Students applying for loans are required to complete a loan entrance interview session if they are a first time borrower, and an exit interview if they are graduating, transferring, or withdrawing from the college. For information on loan applications and deadlines, visit the Alamo Colleges District Financial Aid Direct Loans web site. Additional information about the Federal Direct Loans program is available at

Students may borrow under the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan program while enrolled for less than 150% of the published length of their program of study. The program of study length is published in the Academics section of this catalog.

Federal PLUS Loans Program

The PLUS Program allows parents to borrow up to the cost of education for each dependent enrolled in college at least half-time. PLUS loans are made through the Federal Government at a variable interest rate not to exceed 6.84%. For loans made after October 1, 2015, a loan fee of 4.272% on the amount borrowed is assessed by the Federal Government. Repayment for parent borrowers begins sixty (60) days after disbursement of the entire loan amount. The PLUS loan amount, together with all other financial aid, may not total more than the student’s Cost of Attendance at one of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District.

Students who are participating in the Federal loans program are encouraged to complete a Financial Literacy course available online at the Financial Aid Office website.

Consolidation Loan Program

Consolidation Loans may be arranged to combine loans made to a student under Title IV programs and the Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL) Program. These loans provide repayment periods appropriate for the total amount outstanding. For example, a student whose total loan debt exceeds $7,500 may be given a repayment period longer than ten (10) years. Repayment of a Consolidation Loan must begin within sixty (60) days after the selected loans have been consolidated. Students must contact their lenders to find out if they qualify for a Consolidation Loan.

Financial Aid Payment Plan (formerly Short-Term Loans)

The Alamo Colleges District does not offer short-term loan funding but instead offers a payment plan for students whose financial aid may not cover their entire tuition and fees balance. The payment plan provides the option for students who have a remaining balance of $65 or more (after financial aid funds are applied) to sign up for the payment plan and avoid being dropped from classes. Students can sign up for the Payment Plan in ACES, and the steps are the same as the regular payment plan. When asked to select the type of payment plan, student should select Financial Aid Payment Plan.

Work Opportunities

Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program provides work opportunities for undergraduate students enrolled at least half-time who demonstrate financial need to help pay for their educational expenses. The hourly pay rate for FWS employees is currently $9.00 per hour. The amount of FWS awarded depends on a student’s financial need, availability of funding, and the amount of other aid the student receives. The Alamo Colleges District FWS program budgets awards for students to work up to fifteen (15) hours per week. FWS students are paid twice (2 times) per month. State and Institutional Work-Study programs may also be available if the federal funding level is insufficient to meet the demand for student workers.

Students who participate in the Federal Work-Study program are encouraged to complete a Financial Literacy course available online at the Financial Aid Office website.

Community Base Off-Campus Work Study Employment

Non-Profit off-campus employment is administered by many local community or city agencies that hire Alamo Colleges District’s students. These non-profit organizations who employ Alamo Colleges District students adhere to the Alamo Colleges District Federal work study rules and regulations. In addition to earning money while attending college, students have an opportunity to participate in the local work force and gain valuable work experience.