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  Sep 27, 2024
San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2018-2019 
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San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2018-2019 [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions

The numbers in parentheses listed following the course description, Semester Hours:  (3 - 3 - 0), are explained below:

  • The first digit is the number of semester credit hours for the course.
  • The second digit is the number of lecture hours per week in a regular 16 week semester.
  • The third digit is the number of laboratory/clinical/internship/practicum hours per week in a regular 16 week semester.

Hours met per week are based on semester-length classes; courses of shorter semesters during such as flex classes, will meet for more hours per week for equivalency.


    COMM 2300 - Media Literacy

    Prerequisites: COMM 1307 

    Criticism and analysis of the function, role, and responsibility of the mass media in modern society from the consumer perspective. Includes the ethical problems and issues facing each media format, with the effect of political, economic, and cultural factors on the operation of the media.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 09.0102.53 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2303 - Audio Production

    Prerequisites: COMM 1307  or concurrent enrollment for RTVB majors. MUSB 1305  or concurrent enrollment for MUSB majors.

    Corequisites: RTVB 1150  required for RTVB majors only.

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420  

    Practical experience in the operation of audio equipment, including both pre- and post-production needs.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 10.0202.51 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2305 - Editing and Layout

    Prerequisites: COMM 2311  

    Editing and layout processes, with emphasis on accuracy and fairness, including the principles and techniques of design.

    Semester Hours: (3 -2- 4)

    CIP: 09.0401.51 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2311 - Media Writing

    Prerequisites: COMM 1307  and ENGL 1301  

    Fundamentals of writing for the mass media. Includes instruction in professional methods and techniques for gathering, processing, and delivering content.


    Semester Hours: (3 -2- 4)

    CIP: 09.0401.57 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2315 - News Reporting

    Prerequisites: COMM 2311  

    This course focuses on advanced news-gathering and writing skills. It concentrates on the three-part process of producing news stories: discovering the news, reporting the news, and writing the news in different formats.

    Semester Hours: (3 -2- 4)

    CIP: 09.0401.58 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2324 - Practicum in Electronic Media

    Lecture and laboratory instruction and participation.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)

    CIP: 09.0701.53 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2327 - Introduction to Advertising

    Prerequisites: COMM 1307  OR MUSB 1305  

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420  

    Fundamentals of advertising including marketing theory and strategy, copywriting, design, and selection of media.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 09.0903.51 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2330 - Introduction to Public Relations

    Prerequisites: COMM 1307 

    Exploration of the history and development of public relations. Presentation of the theory behind and process of public relations, including the planning, implementation, and evaluation of PR campaigns.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 09.0902.51 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2331 - Radio/Television Announcing

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420  

    Principles of announcing: study of voice, diction, pronunciation, and delivery. Experience in various types of announcing. Study of phonetics is recommended.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 09.0701.54.06

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2332 - Radio/Television News (CI)

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420  

    Preparation and analysis of news styles for the electronic media. Production of audio and video news stories.

    Semester Hours: (3 -2- 4)

    CIP: 09.0402.52 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2339 - Writing for Radio, Television, Film

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    Introduction to basic script formats, terminology, and writing techniques, including the writing of commercials, public service announcements, promotions, news, documentary, and fictional materials.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 09.0402.51 06

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COMM 2366 - Introduction to Cinema

    Cross-Listed With: DRAM 2366 

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    Emphasis on the analysis of the visual and aural aspects of selected motion pictures, dramatic aspects of narrative films, and historical growth and sociological effect of film as an art.

    Semester Hours: (3 -2- 2)

    CIP: 50.0602.51 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    COSC 1301 - Introduction to Computing

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: Ready for INRW 0420

    Math Basic Skills Prerequisite: MATH 0410
    Overview of computer systems-hardware, operating systems, and microcomputer application software, including the Internet, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, and databases. Current issues such as the effect of computers on society, and the history and use of computers in business, educational, and other modern settings are also studied. This course is not intended to count toward a student’s major field of study in business or computer science.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 11.0101.52 07

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    COSC 1315 - Introduction to Computer Programming

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420  

    Math Basic Skills Prerequisite: MATH 0410
    Introduction to computer programming for solving a variety of problems. This course is intended for non-computer science and non-computer engineering majors. Emphasis on the fundamentals of design, development, testing, implementation, and documentation of computer programs. Includes problem solving with structured techniques and algorithms using pseudo code and/or graphical representations.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)

    CIP: 11.0201.52 07

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    COSC 1336 - Programming Fundamentals I

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420  

    Math Basic Skills Prerequisite: MATH 0410  
    Introduction the fundamental concepts of structured programming. Topics include software development methodology, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. (This course is included in the Field of Study Curriculum for Computer Science.)

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)

    CIP: 11.0201.55 07

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    COSC 1337 - Programming Fundamentals II

    Prerequisites: COSC 1315  or COSC 1336  

    Review of control structures and data types with emphasis on structured data types. Applies the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design. Includes basic analysis of algorithms, searching and sorting techniques, and an introduction to software engineering. (This course is included in the Field of Study Curriculum for Computer Science.)

    COSC 1337 transfers to four-year colleges but may cause students to end up an hour short should they pursue Bachelors in Computer Science. It is strongly recommended that Transfer Student take COSC 1437  for a complete and smooth transfer.

    Students cannot receive credit for both COSC 1337 and COSC 1437 .

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)

    CIP: 11.0201.56 07

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    COSC 1437 - Programming Fundamentals II

    Prerequisites: COSC 1336  

    This course focuses on the object-oriented programming paradigm, emphasizing the definition and use of classes along with fundamentals of object-oriented design. The course includes basic analysis of algorithms, searching and sorting techniques, and an introduction to software engineering processes. Students will apply techniques for testing and debugging software. (This course is included in the Field of Study Curriculum for Computer Science.) Students cannot receive credit for both COSC 1337  and COSC 1437 .

    Semester Hours: (4 -4- 0)

    CIP: 11.0201.56 07

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    COSC 2325 - Computer Organization

    Prerequisites: COSC 1336  

    Basic computer organization; machine cycle, digital representation of data and instructions; assembly language programming, assembler, loader, macros, subroutines, and program linkages. (This course is included in the Field of Study Curriculum for Computer Science.)

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)

    CIP: 11.0201.54 07

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    COSC 2336 - Programming Fundamentals III

    Prerequisites: COSC 1337 /COSC 1437  

    Further applications of programming techniques, introducing the fundamental concepts of data structures and algorithms. Topics include recursion, fundamental data structures (including stacks, queues, linked lists, hash tables, trees, and graphs), and algorithmic analysis. (This course is included in the Field of Study Curriculum for Computer Science.)

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)

    CIP: 11.0201.57 07

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRIJ 1301 - Introduction to Criminal Justice

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course provides a historical and philosophical overview of the American criminal justice system, including the nature, extent, and impact of crime; criminal law; and justice agencies and processes.

    This course fulfills the Social and Behavioral Sciences foundational component area of the core and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Empirical Quantitative Skills, and Social Responsibility.


    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 43.0104.51 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRIJ 1306 - Court Systems and Practices

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course is a study of the court system as it applies to the structures, procedures, practices and sources of law in American courts, using federal and Texas statutes and case law.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 22.0101.54 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRIJ 1307 - Crime in America

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    American crime problems in historical perspective, social and public policy factors affecting crime, impact and crime trends, social characteristics of specific crimes, and prevention of crime.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 45.0401.52 25

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRIJ 1310 - Fundamentals of Criminal Law

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course is the study of criminal law including application of definitions, statutory elements, defenses and penalties using Texas statutes, the Model Penal Code, and case law. The course also analyzes the philosophical and historical development of criminal law and criminal culpability.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 22.0101.53 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRIJ 1313 - Juvenile Justice System

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    A study of the juvenile justice process to include specialized juvenile law, role of the juvenile law, role of the juvenile courts, role of police agencies, role of correctional agencies, and theories concerning delinquency. It is recommended that CRIJ 1301  be taken prior to enrolling in this course.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 43.0104.52 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRIJ 2301 - Community Resources in Corrections

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    Introduction to the role of the community in corrections; community programs for adults and juveniles, administration of community programs; legal issues; and future trends in community treatment. It is recommended that CRIJ 1301  be taken prior to enrolling in this course.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 43.0104.53 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRIJ 2313 - Correctional Systems and Practices

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course is a survey of institutional and non-institutional corrections. Emphasis will be placed on the organization and operation of correctional systems; treatment and rehabilitation; populations served; constitutional issues; and current and future issues.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 43.0104.54 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRIJ 2314 - Criminal Investigation

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    Investigative theory; collection and preservation of evidence; sources of information; interview and interrogation; uses of forensic sciences; case and trial preparation. It is recommended that CRIJ 1301  be taken prior to enrolling in this course.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 43.0104.55 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRIJ 2323 - Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    Police authority; responsibilities; constitutional constraints; laws of arrest, search, and seizure; police liability. It is recommended that CRIJ 1301  be taken prior to taking this course.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 43.0104.56 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: No
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRIJ 2328 - Police Systems and Practices

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course examines the establishment, role and function of police in a democratic society. It will focus on types of police agencies and their organizational structure, police-community interaction, police ethics, and use of authority.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 43.0104.57 24

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    CRTR 1113 - Reporting Orientation

    Prerequisites: Prerequisite Concurrent enrollment in CRTR 1304  and CRTR 1208 

    Overview of the court reporting profession.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 1)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1191 - Special Topics in Court Reporting/Court Reporter

    Prerequisites: Varies with subject being offered

    Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency.

    Semester Hours: (1 -1- 0)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1201 - Introduction to Captioning/CART

    Prerequisites: Demonstrated machine shorthand skill of 160 wpm at 96 % accuracy or more words per minute; or test-verified certified shorthand reporter (CSR); or registered professional reporter (RPR) rating.

    Introduction to the fields of captioning and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART. Topics include the American Disabilities Act (ADA), employment opportunities, and industry software and hardware.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 0)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1202 - Law and Legal Terminology

    Instruction in civil and criminal judicial systems (discovery, trial and appellate processes), and the legal terms used in court reporting.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 1)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1207 - Machine Shorthand Speedbuilding

    Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in CRTR 1304 

    Continued development of realtime shorthand skills through readback, machine practice, and transcription. This course is designed to be repeated to meet program standards.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1208 - Realtime Court Reporting I

    Prerequisites: Demonstrated machine shorthand skill of 160 wpm at 96% accuracy or more words per minute; or test-verified certified shorthand reporter (CSR); or registered professional reporter (RPR) rating.

    Development of computer and machine shorthand skills necessary for writing realtime for production of projects and assignments.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1210 - Real-time Reporting II

    Prerequisites: Credit or concurrent enrollment in : CRTR 1113 , CRTR 1208 , CRTR 1304 , and CRTR 1306 

    Continued development of computer and machine shorthand skills necessary for writing realtime for production of projects and assignments.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1214 - Court Reporting Technology I

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1304  or demonstrated Machine Shorthand skill of 40 wpm at 96% accuracy.

    Introduction to computer-aided transcription systems.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 1)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1241 - Captioning Technology I

    Prerequisites: Credit or concurrent enrollment in CRTR 1201 

    Overview of captioning and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) procedures, software and hardware.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 1)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1242 - Captioning Technology II

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1241 

    Continued development of caption reporting procedures and software, hardware, text entry, and text editing skills to be used in producing on-line and off-line narrations on the CRT and/or television monitor.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 1)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1257 - Literary/Jury Charge Dictation I

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1306  or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 60 wpm and 96% accuracy

    Skills necessary to develop speed and accuracy in writing and transcribing literary/jury charge dictation. This course is designed to be repeated to meet program standards.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1259 - Literary/Jury Charge Dictation II

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1355 or concurrent enrollment, or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 140 wpm & 96% accuracy.

    Continued skill development necessary for speed and accuracy in writing and transcribing literary/jury charge dictation.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1291 - Special Topics in Court Reporting/Court Reporter

    Prerequisites: Varies with subject being offered

    Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1302 - Law and Legal Terminology

    Instruction in civil and criminal judicial systems (discovery, trial and appellate processes),and the legal terms used in court reporting.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1304 - Machine Shorthand I

    Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in CRTR 1207 

    Instruction in general principles of realtime machine shorthand theory and skill building through readback of dictation notes, machine practice, and transcription. This course is designed to be repeated to meet program requirements.

    Semester Hours: (3 -1- 8)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1306 - Machine Shorthand II

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1304  and concurrent enrollment in CRTR 2218  

    Continued development of realtime shorthand skills through readback, machine practice, and transcription. This course is designed to be repeated to meet program standards.

    Semester Hours: (3 -1- 8)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1312 - Court Reporting Communications I

    Study of basic rules of English grammar and spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and proofreading skills as they apply to the production of transcripts of the spoken word in the reporting field.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1314 - Court Reporting Technology I

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1304  or demonstrated Machine Shorthand skill of  40 wpm at 96% accuracy.

    Introduction to computer-aided transcription systems.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1355 - Dictation Speedbuilding

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1257  or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 100 wpm and 96% accuracy

    Development of conflict-free machine writing skills. This course may be taken multiple times to meet program standards.

    Semester Hours: (3 -1- 8)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1391 - Special Topics in Court Reporting/Court Reporter

    Prerequisites: Varies with subject being offered

    Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency.

    Semester Hours: (3 -2- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 1491 - Special Topics in Court Reporting/Court Reporter

    Prerequisites: Varies with subject being offered

    Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency.

    Semester Hours: (4 -4- 0)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2186 - Internship - Court Reporting/Court Reporter

    Prerequisites: Demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 160 wpm and 96% accuracy

    A work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills and concepts. A learning plan is developed by the college and the employer.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 30)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2206 - Medical Court Reporting

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1306 , CRTR 2218 

    Introduction to medical terms and anatomy in court reporting.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2213 - Reporting Technology II

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1210 

    Instruction in the operation, maintenance, and assembly of a computer-aided real-time transcription system, including the computer functions necessary for transcript production.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2217 - Technical Dictation

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1259  or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 160 wpm and 96% accuracy

    Skill development in writing and researching medical and technical material.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2218 - Testimony Dictation I

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1304 , CRTR 1207 , and concurrent enrollment in CRTR 1306 

    Skills necessary for developing speed and accuracy in the writing of testimony. This course is designed to be repeated to meet program standards.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2219 - Testimony Dictation II

    Prerequisites: CRTR 2218  or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 60 wpm at 96% accuracy.

    Continued skill development for speed and accuracy in transcription of testimony. This course is designed to be repeated to meet program standards.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2231 - Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR) and Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) Pr

    Prerequisites: Credit or concurrent enrollment in CRTR 2236  or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 200 wpm and 96% accuracy.

    Preparation for taking the Texas CSR and the RPR examinations through the use of mock examinations. This course is designed to be repeated.

    Semester Hours: (2 -0- 6)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2232 - Accelerated Machine Shorthand I

    Prerequisites: CRTR 2301  or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 160 wpm & 96% accuracy.

    Skill development and mastery of high-speed dictation including readback, machine practice and transcript production. This course may be repeated multiple times until machine shorthand standards are met.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2236 - Accelerated Machine Shorthand II

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1259 or concurrent enrollment, or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 180 wpm and 96% accuracy.

    Continuation of skill development and mastery of high-speed dictation including readback, machine practice and transcript production. This course may be repeated multiple times until machine shorthand standards are met.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2245 - Testimony Dictation III

    Prerequisites: CRTR 2219 or concurrent Enrollment, or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 100 wpm and 96% accuracy.

    Continued skill development in writing and transcribing testimony. This course is designed to be repeated to meet program standards.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2259 - Courtroom Procedures

    Prerequisites: CRTR 2245 ; CRTR 1355 ; CRTR 1312 

    Continued skill development necessary for speed and accuracy in writing and transcribing literary/jury charge dictation.

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2301 - Intermediate Machine Shorthand

    Prerequisites: CRTR 2245 or concurrent enrollment, or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 140 wpm and 96% accuracy.

    Continued development of realtime machine shorthand skills through readback, machine practice, and transcription. This course is designed to be repeated multiple times to meet program standards.

    Semester Hours: (3 -1- 8)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2303 - Advanced Machine Shorthand

    Prerequisites: CRTR 2301  or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 180 wpm and 96% accuracy.

    In-depth coverage of realtime machine shorthand theory and continued skill building through readback, machine practice, and transcript production. This course may be repeated multiple times until machine shorthand standards are met.

    Semester Hours: (3 -1- 8)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2311 - Court Reporting Communications II

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1312 

    In-depth coverage of grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, vocabulary, and proofreading skills necessary to produce court reporting transcripts. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2312 - Reporting Procedures

    Prerequisites: CRTR 1113 , CRTR 1312 , CRTR 1355 

    Instruction in the role of the reporter in trial, deposition, and administrative hearings.

    Semester Hours: (3 -2- 3)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2335 - Accelerated Machine Shorthand

    Prerequisites: CRTR 2303 

    Mastery of high-speed dictation including read back of dictation notes, machine practice, and transcription.

    Semester Hours: (3 -1- 8)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    CRTR 2343 - Simulated Courtroom Proceedings

    Prerequisites: CRTR 2303  or concurrent enrollment with departmental approval or demonstrated ability to write machine shorthand at 200 wpm and 96% accuracy.

    Instruction in the role of the reporter in a courtroom environment. Emphasis on writing multiple-voice testimony and the production of transcripts utilizing real-time technology.

    Semester Hours: (3 -2- 4)

    CIP: 22.0303

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 1191 - Special Topics in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Counseling

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    Differs every semester

    Semester Hours: (1 -1- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 1291 - Special Topics in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Counseling

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    Differs every semester

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 1304 - Pharmacology of Addiction

    Overview of the psychological, physiological, and sociological effects of mood altering substances and behaviors, and their implications for the addiction process are discussed. Emphasis is placed on pharmacological effects of tolerance, dependency/withdrawal, cross addiction, and drug interaction. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 1309 - Assessment of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

    Exploration of procedures and tools used to identify substance-related and addictive disorders and assess a client’s problems, strengths, deficits, and needs.  This course will assist in the development of the basic counseling and communication skills necessary to develop an effective helping relationship with clients. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420 

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 1319 - Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

    An overview of causes and consequences of substance-related and addictive disorders, the major drug classifications, and the counselor’s code of ethics. Competencies and requirements for licensure in Texas are explained. Addiction issues related to diverse populations are presented. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420  

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 1391 - Special Topics in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Counseling

    Prerequisites: Permission of the program coordinator

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420  

    Differs every semester

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2166 - Practicum I

    Prerequisites: (DAAC 2306  or DAAC 2353 ) and (concurrent enrollment in DAAC 2273 )

    Practical, general workplace training supported by an individualized learning plan developed by the employer, college, and student.  This course is for the Substance Abuse Prevention  specialization options. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420 

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 10)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2167 - Practicum (or Field Experience) - Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician Practicum II

    Prerequisites: DAAC 2166  and concurrent enrollment in DAAC 2274  

    Practical, general workplace training supported by an individualized learning plan developed by the employer, college, and student.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 10)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2271 - Core Functions

    Prerequisites: PSYT 2301 , DAAC 2307 , PSYT 2339 , DAAC 1309 , DAAC 1304 

    Corequisites: DAAC 2166 

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course explores each of the 12 core functions and relating global criteria of the substance abuse counselor. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of the core functions as they are used at the practicum site.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2272 - Case Presentation Method

    Prerequisites: DAAC 2166 , DAAC 2271 

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course explores the requirements for the written case presentation and the oral examination as directed by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Students will complete a written case presentation and review the oral examination pool of questions as they pertain to the substance abusing client. Students will be introduced to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the alcohol and other drug (AOD) counselor.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2273 - Professional and Ethical Issues

    Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in PMHS 2166  or DAAC 2166  or permission of the program coordinator.

    Topics include professional issues faced by human services professionals, with an emphasis on ethical issues and decision making.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2274 - Professional Development

    Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in PMHS 2167  or permission of the program coordinator

    This course explores selected current events, skills, knowledge, and behaviors pertinent to the student’s occupational readiness and performance. Topics may include counselor portfolios, licensure test preparation, community service and other topics relevant to professional development.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2280 - Cooperative Education Substance Abuse /Addiction Counseling

    This course offers career-related activities encountered in the student’s area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. This course also includes a lecture component. Direct supervision is provided by the on-site clinical professional, qualified credentialed counselor. The hours accumulated in this course may be used to meet partial requirement toward the 4,000 hours of work experience for licensure as a chemical dependency counselor. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420

    Semester Hours: (2 -1- 10)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2301 - Therapeutic Communities in a Criminal Justice Setting

    A study of therapeutic communities as an approach to rehabilitation of incarcerated substance users.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2306 - Substance Abuse Prevention I

    Focuses on aspects of substance abuse prevention from a public health model. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2307 - Addicted Family Intervention

    This course studies the family as a dynamic system focusing on the effects of addiction on family roles, rules, and behavior patterns. Discussion will include the effects of mood altering substances, behaviors, and therapeutic alternatives as they relate to the family from a multicultural and trans-generational perspective. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2329 - Clinical Supervision

    Prerequisites: (DAAC 1304 , DAAC 2307 , DAAC 1309 , DAAC 1319 , DAAC 2343 ) or (PSYT 2339 , PSYT 2301 , PSYT 2329), or approval of program coordinator

    This course assists students in defining and conceptualizing models and types of supervision. Areas of discussion include supervision methods and techniques covering the roles, focus, group supervision, multicultural issues, and the methods of assessing and evaluating supervision. Ethical, legal and professional issues; covering roles of supervision and standards of practice; authorized counseling methods; and scope of practice for several licensed professionals will be examined. The executive and administrative tasks covering development and implementation of a supervision plan, supervision contract, time for supervision, record keeping, and reporting on the supervision provided will also be covered in this course.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2330 - Multicultural Counseling

    An examination of the multicultural counseling theories and characteristics of diverse populations.

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2343 - Current Issues

    Prerequisites: DAAC 1309  or permission of the program coordinator

    This course examines current issues in addiction counseling. Topics of investigation will include special populations, dual diagnosis, ethics, gambling, and infectious diseases associated with addiction counseling. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2353 - Substance Abuse Prevention II

    In-depth exploration of research, evaluation methods and best practices in prevention program design. Recommended Basic Skills prerequisites: INRW 0420 

    Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2380 - Cooperative Education - Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course offers career-related activities encountered in the student’s area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. This course also includes a lecture component. Direct supervision is provided by the on-site clinical professional, qualified credentialed counselor. The hours accumulated in this course may be used to meet partial requirement toward the 4,000 hours of work experience for licensure as a chemical dependency counselor.

    Semester Hours: (3 -1- 20)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2480 - Cooperative Education - Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course offers career-related activities encountered in the student’s area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. This course also includes a lecture component. Direct supervision is provided by the on-site clinical professional, qualified credentialed counselor. The hours accumulated in this course may be used to meet partial requirement toward the 4,000 hours of work experience for licensure as a chemical dependency counselor.

    Semester Hours: (4 -1- 30)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DAAC 2580 - Cooperative Education - Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 

    This course offers career-related activities encountered in the student’s area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. This course also includes a lecture component. Direct supervision is provided by the on-site clinical professional, qualified credentialed counselor. The hours accumulated in this course may be used to meet partial requirement toward the 4,000 hours of work experience for licensure as a chemical dependency counselor.

    Semester Hours: (5 -1- 40)

    CIP: 51.1501

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: No
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DANC 1110 - Tap I

    Cross-Listed With: KINE 1148

    This course offers instruction and participation in basic tap dance to include vocabulary, technique, history and styles in tap. Various pieces of choreography will be set in class. Same course as DANC 1110.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.52 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DANC 1112 - Dance Practicum I

    This course is a basic practicum in dance related areas: production with experience in stage management, scenery and costume preparation, running crews, dance management, and individualized teaching of dance in the private or public sector.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.53 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    DANC 1128 - Ballroom and Social Dance

    Cross-Listed With:   

    Introductory instruction in the fundamental techniques and concepts associated with Ballroom and Social Dance. May be repeated for credit once.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.52 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    DANC 1141 - Ballet I

    Cross-Listed With: KINE 1139

    This course develops physical proficiency in the performance of basic ballet vocabulary while promoting an understanding of the principles, practices, and vocabulary common to ballet. Same course as KINE 1139.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.52 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    DANC 1142 - Ballet II

    Cross-Listed With: KINE 2139

    Prerequisites: DANC 1141 or KINE 1139 or instructor permission

    This course expands on the skills and knowledge acquired in DANC 1141. Same course as KINE 2139.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.52 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    DANC 1145 - Modern Dance I

    Cross-Listed With: KINE 1145

    This course introduces students to the fundamentals of dance techniques, coordination of body parts, rhythm, and expressive qualities of movement. Same course as KINE 1145.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.52 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    DANC 1146 - Modern Dance II

    Cross-Listed With: KINE 2145

    Prerequisites: DANC 1145 or KINE 1145 or instructor permission

    This course expands on the skills and knowledge acquired in DANC 1145/KINE 1145. Same course as KINE 2145.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.52 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: Yes
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    DANC 1147 - Jazz Dance I

    Cross-Listed With: KINE 1138

    This course offers instruction and participation in jazz dance technique to include vocabulary, technique, history, and styles in jazz dance. Various pieces of choreography will be set in class. Same course as KINE 1138.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.52 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: Yes

    DANC 1151 - Freshman Dance Performance

    Instruction in dance performance through experiential projects at the freshman level. May be repeated for credit once.

    Semester Hours: (1 -0- 3)

    CIP: 50.0301.52 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: Yes
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

    DANC 1201 - Dance Composition - Improvisation

    Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420

    This introductory course in improvisation will investigate spontaneous problem solving as a means of generating movement for dance composition.  Students will be called upon to explore and respond to various forms of stimuli in a safe and supportive learning environment within solo and group work.

    Semester Hours: (2 -2- 1)

    CIP: 50.0301.55 26

    Offered at:
    NLC: No
    NVC: Yes
    PAC: No
    SAC: Yes
    SPC: No

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