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  Feb 07, 2025
San Antonio College 2009-2010 Academic Catalog 
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San Antonio College 2009-2010 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Campus Services and Resource Centers


Student Activities


The Office of Student Life provides entertainment and academic enrichment through live performances in the Loftin Student Center, music series, nationally known lecturers, fine arts programs, and special events such as Octoberfest, talent shows, cultural awareness programs, recreational sports programs, and community service referrals.  For more information, contact the Office of Student Life (in room 152 of the Loftin Student Center) at 210-486-0130 or go to their website at

Recreational Sports

The Recreational Sports Program (in room 256 of the Loftin Student Center) encompasses a wide variety of intramural and extramural events. These include both individual and team competition in intramurals, and extramural teams include women’s volleyball, coed cheerleading, fencing, men’s softball, and men’s basketball.  For more information, contact the Office of Student Life (in room 152 of the Loftin Student Center) at 210-486-0130 or go to their website at

Student Organizations


The Office of Student Life sponsors a diverse number of departmental, special interest, religious, and honorary student clubs and organizations. Active clubs and organizations are open to students in good standing and offer opportunities for community service, social activities, retreats, and leadership training. For information on active clubs and organizations or guidance on starting a new club or organization, contact the Office of Student Life (in room 152 of the Loftin Student Center) at 210-486-0130 or go to their website at

San Antonio College Student Assembly

The San Antonio College Student Assembly (SACSA) will serve to improve campus life by functioning as the official voice of the student body. SACSA goals are:

  • To function as the liaison between the study body and the College administration by remaining available and visible to the College community.
  • To advocate and provide a forum for student interests and concerns.
  • To promote, support, and accomplish community service.
  • To consistently set a positive example in words and deeds for the student body.
  • To maintain strong communications with the student body, staff, faculty, and administration.
  • To support the academic and community endeavors of all student clubs and organizations.

The governing body of SACSA will consist of at least 10 but no more than 30 appointed student representatives. Student representatives will elect or appoint the following officers by a two-thirds majority vote: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Appointments will take place during the first week in April and may be held as often as necessary to fill vacancies. Officer elections will take place during the last week in August.

Student Representative Eligibility

Any SAC student-at-large who meets the following criteria may serve as a SACSA student representative:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must be currently enrolled in and maintain at least three semester hours per semester at SAC.
  • Must maintain a current and cumulative 2.0 GPA.
  • Must not be on administrative hold, scholastic or progress probation, or under suspension for disciplinary reasons.
  • Must comply with the Student Code of Conduct as outline in Section 6 of this bulletin.

In addition to the eligibility requirements for student representatives, officers must also have completed a minimum of six semester hours at SAC and must maintain a current and cumulative 2.5 GPA.

Role of a Student Representative

Student representatives will work toward achieving the mission and goals of SACSA by:

  • Serving on various SACSA and College committees.
  • Identifying and addressing student interests and concerns to the administration and faculty.
  • Making recommendations to committees, departments, administrators, or other campus affiliations on student-related issues.

The San Antonio College Student Assembly meets at 3:15 p.m. Mondays in room 206A of the Loftin Student Center.

Scholarship Societies

  • The Beta Nu Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, National Junior College Honorary Scholarship Fraternity, was chartered April 27, 1932. The object of the society is to promote excellence of scholarship by recognizing outstanding academic achievement and by holding its members to a high standard of performance. For details consult the Office of Student Life.
  • The San Antonio College Chapter of Delta Psi Omega, National College Dramatic Fraternity, was chartered April 4, 1949. This honor fraternity is designed to further the ideals of drama among students of outstanding ability.
  • The Texas Sigma Chapter of Phi Rho Pi, National Honor Society for Forensics, was chartered January 10, 1969. This honor society has the dual purpose of recognizing the achievement of students who have earned distinction in public speaking and promoting interest and excellence in public speaking activities.
  • The San Antonio College Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists was chartered October 6, 1992. The organization, founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi, provides educational activities outside the classroom for students interested in mass media. The San Antonio College chapter was the first in the nation’s two-year colleges. 

Service and Interest Clubs

  • Religious organizations include:
  Baptist Student Union
Catholic Student Center
Church of Christ Student Center
Methodist Student Center
Latter Day Saints
  • Honorary organizations include:
  Delta Psi Omega
Epsilon Delta Psi
Phi Rho Pi
Phi Theta Kappa
Sigma Delta Mu
  • Departmental and special interest clubs include:
  Alpha Epsilon Rho
Alpha Omega
American Advertising Federation
American Chemical Society
American Society of Certified
Engineering Technicians (ASCET)
Architecture Student Association
Art Students Guild
Atheists, Freethinkers & Agnostics Club
Black Student Alliance
Business Students Association
Chicanos in the Arts
Cheshyre Cheese Club - English Department
College Republicans
Collegiate Coalition
Collegiate Secretaries International
Criminal Justice Student Association
Dental Assisting Association
Future Court Reporters of America
Global Ambassadors
Information Technology Professionals Association
International Students Organization
Kinesiology Club
Medical Assistants of America
Mexican American Engineering Students (MAES)
Mortuary Science
Psychology Club
Radio and Television Film Students (RATS)
Society of Professional Journalists
Student Representative Commission
Teaching Academy Program Peers
Texas Nursing Students Association
United Mexican American Students (UMAS)
Young Democrats

Student Media

  • The Ranger, the weekly newspaper, provides a realistic experience in newspaper work for journalism students.
  • The Fourth Write, the College news feature magazine supplement to The Ranger, provides experience in writing and editing for students enrolled in journalism courses.
  • Both publications are advised by the San Antonio College Student Publications Board. Voting student membership on the board include editors-in-chief of The Ranger and The Fourth Write, a representative of student government, faculty representatives from the Arts and Sciences and Professional and Technical Education Divisions, a journalism professor, a professional journalist, and a representative from the College administration.
  • KSYM, 90.1 FM, is one of the oldest community college radio stations in Texas. It broadcasts to metropolitan San Antonio 24 hours per day, seven days a week at 5,700 watts. It is operated by students of the Radio-Television-Film Program under faculty supervision.  

Student Support Services


The College affirms a continuing commitment to the provision of student support services. These support services are provided by:

Admissions and Records
Assessment Services
Career Planning Center
Child Care Services
Counseling and Student Development
disABILITY Support Services
Financial Aid
Foreign Student Services
Health Services
Job Placement
Scobee Planetarium
Services for Women and Non-Traditional Students
Special Services
Student Activities
Student Assistance Program/
Peer Educators Program
Student Development
Student Support Services Project
Transfer Center
Tutoring Services
Veterans’ Affairs

Assessment Center

The Assessment Center provides a broad range of testing services to meet the needs of its diverse student population: college placement, English as a second language placement, GED testing, credit by exam, correspondence exams, and certification and licensure exams. The center also provides special accommodation testing for students in conjunction with disABILITY Student Services.

Students entering college for the first time without SAT/ACT scores or scores older than three years must take the Accuplacer test. Students with ACT composite scores below 21 or SAT total scores below 1070 (minimum of 500 in verbal or critical learning and mathematics) must take the Accuplacer test. Other tests are administered by referral.

Students are encouraged to test as early as possible before seeing a counselor or faculty advisor. Students are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please report to the Assessment Center, in room 112 of the Fletcher Administration Center, or call 210-486-0444 for current testing times.

Bailey’s Cyber Cafe

Bailey’s Cyber Cafe was established in September 2001 through the joint efforts of Academic Development and the Technology Center. The cafe is located on the second floor of the Loftin Student Center.

The cafe is lovingly dedicated to the memory of Dr. Roger Bailey. Dr. Bailey began his extensive career at San Antonio College in 1971. Over the years, his brilliance, altruism, and humanity won him many friends and admirers among students, faculty, and staff at San Antonio College.

Child Care Services

The Department of Early Childhood Studies provides a laboratory which offers quality early care and education for children from six weeks to four years of age. For students earning degrees in Early Childhood Studies, this center provides hands-on, practical experiences working with young children. The center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). It is located at 210 West Ashby and the hours of operation are from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Students are encouraged to apply for subsidized child care services through the department or the Women’s Center.

College Information Technologies

The mission of College Information Technologies is to allow students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community to excel in education through proactive support, planning, and management of technologies at the college level.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) at San Antonio College provide interpreting and tutoring services for deaf or hard of hearing students in the classroom and lab. Additionally, most campus events are accessible through sign language interpreters. The interpreting services manager coordinates interpreting services and provides academic advising. There are two full-time staff interpreters on campus as well as a pool of 30 part-time interpreters.

In order to qualify for services, a student must provide DHHS with a current audiogram and/or Certificate of Deafness Tuition Waiver that has been approved by the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services as verification of disability. An interview with the interpreting services manager will begin the process.

In accordance with new District policies and Section 504 of the Education Code, effective Fall 2005, all students will be required to complete an Educational Plan and provide appropriate documentation in order to have the tuition waiver approved and accepted by the College.

At San Antonio College, deaf and hard of hearing students have a unique academic support environment. Services are coordinated under the Department of American Sign Language and Interpreter Training, where students are accepted as a cultural and linguistic minority.

The faculty and staff of the Department of American Sign Language and Interpreter Training and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services are dedicated to provide an environment that respects the visual language and communication needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services is located in the basement of the Nail Technical Center in 004B. For more information, please call Jo Hilton at 210-486-1110 or email at

Alamo Colleges Police Department

The Alamo Colleges Police Department was organized and commissioned for the safety and protection of the College community; to ensure its orderly day to day operation; to render aid, assistance, and service to its people; and in general, to strive to maintain conditions conducive to the pursuit of learning. Police Officers are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are uniformed, armed, and while patrolling, whether in a marked vehicle or on foot, are equipped with a two-way radio and other necessary equipment to efficiently do their job. The DPS also has bike patrols assigned to all campuses between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The bike officers patrol the interior of all campuses as well as the parking lots.

The primary objective of the patrol officers is to provide a safe environment for the students, employees, and the community. Police duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Responding to calls for service.
  • Providing escorts.
  • Non-emergency requests.
  • Community relations.
  • Crime prevention activity.

In addition to the patrol officers, there are 69 emergency phones located throughout the campus and in campus parking lots. The emergency button on the phones is a direct line to the Alamo Colleges Police Department Emergency Communications Division. The phones, which should be used in emergency situations only, include a speaker to communicate with the dispatcher and a blue strobe light to help officers locate the call. The emergency telephone number is 210-222-0911.

If assistance is needed for battery failure, locked keys, or a low tire, a courtesy patrol is available for service by calling the 24-hour non-emergency line at 210-485-0099.  And, for information on College closures due to inclement weather or other emergencies, dial 210-485-0189.

Department of Access and Educational Support Programs

disABILITY Support Services

San Antonio College has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit, no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of the College, or be subjected to discrimination by the College, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

The Office of disABILITY Support Services (dSS) at San Antonio College assists students with documented disabilities to independently achieve their educational goals by providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations. dSS facilitates access to College programs, services, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate.

In order to qualify for services, a student must provide dSS with up-to-date verification of the disability. An interview with a dSS counselor begins the process. dSS coordinates such services as registration assistance, testing accommodations, notetakers, readers, scribes (writers), and an on-site computer lab with adaptive technology. dSS counselors also teach specialized sections of SDEV 0370 Personal and Academic Success for students with specific disabilities.

The staff and faculty of dSS are dedicated to providing counseling, advisement, reasonable accommodations, and services in order to allow equal access to educational, vocational, social, and personal opportunities for persons with disabilities. Counselors are available 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday in room 124 of the Chance Academic Center. Services are provided on the basis of signing in. After hours appointments are available.

The Student Assistance Program & The Peer Educators Program

The purpose of The Student Assistance Program (TSAP) is to assist students with personal problems and concerns of any kind. Students, their families, and/or their significant others may call 210-486-1449 to make an appointment to speak with a TSAP counselor. These services are provided at no cost and are totally anonymous and confidential. The Peer Educators Program (PEP) educates students to make presentations in the classroom and perform other functions involving alcohol and other drug prevention, HIV/AIDS awareness, and violence prevention. Students interested in joining should call 210-486-1448 for the peer educator information.

Student Support Services Project

The Student Support Services Project (SSSP) is an educational program funded by the United States Department of Education to serve students with disabilities, first generation college students, and/or students from low-income families. SSSP offers tutoring assistance in developmental mathematics, writing, and reading; personal and academic counseling; academic and cultural trips and workshops; and a variety of other support services which encourage students to graduate or transfer to a four-year institution. Counseling faculty members meet with students individually to determine which services are best suited for them. The Student Support Services Project is located in MLC 742; the phone number is 210-486-0475, and the Web address is Hours of operation are 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Food Services

The cafeteria is located in the Loftin Student Center and is available to all students, staff, and faculty at San Antonio College. Its hours of operation during the Fall and Spring semesters are from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7-2 p.m. Friday. The cafeteria offers fast food, prepared meals, snacks, and beverages. The cafeteria also provides catering services for student clubs and organizations. The cafeteria accepts cash, Visa, Master Card, and Discover.

International Students Office (ISO)

The International Students Office (ISO) serves as official liaison between San Antonio College and the Department of Homeland Security (formerly known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service). The counselors and staff focus on education and support services including information on documentation, and the processing of materials, as well as academic, personal, and career counseling. The ISO can provide answers to questions such as: How do I maintain my status with the Department of Homeland Security and San Antonio College? Can I work on or off campus? Can I transfer to another college or university? The ISO is located in room 142 of the Moody Learning Center.


San Antonio College has laboratories to meet the requirements for standard work in architecture, biology, chemistry, child development, computer information systems, dental assisting, electronics, geology, interpreter training, journalism, medical assisting, mortuary science, nursing, photography, physics, radio/television/film, and visual arts and technology (graphic arts, fine arts, animation graphics).

There are also well-equipped laboratories for courses in business, music, speech, drama, English, foreign languages, and engineering drawing. Provision has been made for use in the classroom of audiovisual aids, including films, tape recordings, phonograph records, and slides. Foreign languages use the oral-aural method. Courses in speech and drama make extensive and practical use of video, lighting, sound, and recording equipment. In addition, a fully equipped scene shop is used for set construction.


Library is located in the Moody Learning Center, is a vital technologically advanced center of learning and exploration for students, staff, faculty, and the community. The department collection includes materials in paper, microform, electronic, and other media formats.

Informational resources owned by the library, as well as the other Alamo Col libraries, are listed in the online catalog. The catalog is accessible from the department’s homepage,, as are additional resources. These include the World Wide Web and numerous databases and indexes, many of which provide full-text access to magazine, journal, and newspaper articles. The facility provides access to computer workstations where users may access these resources. San Antonio College students, staff, and faculty may also access all Web-based databases and indexes off campus through the library’s proxy server.

Also available through the department’s homepage are electronic forms that allow users to request interlibrary loan materials and seek reference assistance through the Ask a Librarian service. Services and resources for distance education students and faculty are also available and may be found on the library’s distance learning Web page. Remote access to the catalog, Web-based databases and indexes, interlibrary loan, and online reference assistance enhances learning opportunities for all library users and is vital for distance education students.

The facility is equipped with two state-of-the-art electronic classrooms where librarians teach students search strategies and techniques for finding relevant information using print materials, the online catalog and databases, and the World Wide Web.

Through individual and group instruction, librarians strive to reduce “library anxiety,” increase student opportunities for success, and ensure that each student becomes an independent and life-long learner.

Loftin Student Center

The Loftin Student Center houses the bookstore, which is located in the basement; the cafeteria, which features a wide variety of foods; a game room and Cyber Café on the second floor; two large screen televisions; and facilities available for extracurricular activities, including a variety of performers, concerts, fiestas, films, speakers, special programs, and game tournaments. There are lounging, programming, and recreation areas, as well as offices for the Office of Student Life, the San Antonio College Student Assembly, the campus newspaper and magazine, and the Department of Journalism and Photography. Students may pick up bus pass applications in the Office of Student Life for discounts on bus fares to and from College, as well as get approval to post flyers/posters on bulletin boards located throughout the campus.

Lost and Found

The lost and found office is located in the Department of Public Safety Office . Every effort is made to return items to the owners, but the DPS Office accepts no responsibility for lost items.

Media Services

In September 2006, the Library and Media Services Department was reorganized into two separate departments.

Media Services is divided into three sections: The Student Multimedia Lab, Audio Visual Center, and The Educational Multimedia Center.

Students: The Student Multimedia Lab provides a hands-on location where students may produce electronic and print media for their classroom presentations and projects. A wide variety of electronic equipment is available for check out and use for approved classroom projects. A small fee is charged for materials used.

Faculty and Staff: Our talented staff of graphic artists, photographer, and video producer are trained to prepare materials for a wide variety of media including print, projection, and electronic. Media specialists are available to provide video recording, teleconferencing, video conferencing, in studio photography/recording, and distance learning services.

Media Services also lends, maintains, and operates audiovisual equipment in support of classroom teaching and professional presentations. We are committed to providing high quality products and services in a reliable, timely and friendly manner.

The Educational Channel: Following deregulation of the cable industry in Texas, the City of San Antonio asked Media Services to cablecast educational calendar announcements and programming on the Education Channel (Time Warner Ch 98 and Grande Ch 23) for the community.

The Media Services invites you to schedule a visit so we can learn more about your needs. All Media Services areas are conveniently located in the Moody Learning Center. The Audio Visual Center and the Student Multimedia Lab are located on the fourth floor and the Educational Multimedia Center is on the sixth floor.


PALS stands for Personalized Access to Learning and Services and is the Web-based portal application for the Alamo Colleges. Students and faculty may access the Alamo Colleges courses, e-mail, and other applications and news, including personal information and grades, through the PALS portal. For secure log-in directions and other information about PALS, call the Alamo Colleges Support Central Office at 210-485-0555. Out of town students call 1-866-493-3947, or visit the PALS Web site at

San Antonio College Bookstore

The San Antonio College Bookstore is located in the basement of the Loftin Student Center. It compiles the official College booklists and offers additional books, supplies, and educational aids requested by teachers as well as sundry items. Hours are 7:45 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 7:45 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Friday. The Bookstore is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Students may also purchase textbooks, supplies, etc. at the Bookstore’s Web site,


Student Health Services


Student Health Services is staffed by a registered nurse (RN) and a licensed vocational nurse (LVN) during the day and an LVN during the evening and Saturday hours, and offers the following services:

  • For the ill and injured: basic first-aid and emergency care, over-the-counter medications for minor ailments, and a referral system for low cost medical care.
  • For the well: relaxation rooms, health counseling, blood pressure monitoring, and printed information on a variety of health-related topics. Any student with a chronic health problem or disability is encouraged to come to the Student Health Center at the beginning of the semester.

The hours of operation are 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8-5 p.m. Friday, and 9-noon Saturday. Student Health Services is located in room 119 of the Chance Academic Center.

Important Information About Bacterial Meningitis

This information is being provided to all new college students in the state of Texas. Bacterial Meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast—so take utmost caution. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The bacteria that causes meningitis can also infect the blood. This disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year, including 100-125 on college campuses, leading to 5-15 deaths among college students every year. There is a treatment, but those who survive may develop severe health problems or disabilities.

What are the symptoms?

  • High Fever.
  • Rash or purple patches on skin. (These are caused by bleeding under the skin and can occur anywhere on the body.)
  • Light sensitivity.
  • Confusion and sleepiness.
  • Lethargy.
  • Severe headache.
  • Vomiting.
  • Stiff neck.
  • Nausea.
  • Seizures.

The more symptoms, the higher the risk, so when these symptoms appear seek immediate medical attention.

How is bacterial meningitis diagnosed

  • Diagnosis is made by a medical provider and is usually based on a combination of clinical symptoms and laboratory results from spinal fluid and blood tests.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the likelihood of recovery.

How is the disease transmitted?

  • The disease is transmitted when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing, or by sharing drinking containers, utensils, cigarettes, toothbrushes, etc.) or come in contact with respiratory or throat secretions.

How do you increase your risk of getting bacterial meningitis?

  • Exposure to saliva by sharing cigarettes, water bottles, eating utensils, food, kissing, etc.
  • Living in close conditions (such as sharing a room/suite in a dorm or group home).

What are the possible consequences of the disease?

  • Death (in 8 to 24 hours from perfectly well to dead).
  • Permanent brain damage.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Learning disability.
  • Hearing loss, blindness.
  • Limb damage (fingers, toes, arms, legs) that requires amputation.
  • Gangrene.
  • Coma.
  • Convulsions.

Can the disease be treated?

  • Antibiotic treatment, if received early, can save lives and chances of recovery are increased. However, permanent disability or death can still occur.
  • Vaccinations are available and should be considered for:
    1. Those living in close quarters
    2. College students 25 years old or younger
  • Vaccinations are effective against four of the five most common bacterial types that cause 70 percent of the disease in the U.S. (but does not protect against all types of meningitis).
  • Vaccinations take 7-10 days to become effective, with protection lasting 3-4 years.
  • The cost of vaccine varies, so check with your health care provider.
  • Vaccination is very safe—most common side effects are redness and minor pain at injection site for up to two days.

How can I find out more information?


Visual Arts Gallery


The two-story art gallery housed in the Visual Arts and Technology Center (VATC) provides a format for a continuous program of professional and student art exhibits selected and installed by visual arts faculty. The exhibits make examples of quality works in a variety of media directly available for visual arts students. The gallery is open to the public 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7-5 p.m. Friday. 

Counseling Center First Floor of the Moody Learning Center (MLC)



Academic Advising

Academic advising is offered to assist students in planning their educational and career goals. Students who are undecided about their major should meet with counseling faculty, and those students who are decided regarding their major can meet with instructional faculty in the department of their major. Advisement is provided throughout the year and should be done on a regular basis to assure an efficient route to graduation and/or transfer to a four year institution.

  • “Ask a Counselor Online”

Although face-to-face is the preferred method of counseling students, the counseling faculty at the College understands that many SAC students have demanding academic and work schedules that prevent them from meeting face-to-face with a counselor. The “Ask A Counselor” web site was created to offer distant learners a way of contacting a counselor and getting answers to their questions. The website can be accessed at

Career Counseling

Counseling faculty can aid students in setting goals and discussing the results of research and exploration into potential majors and careers. Counseling faculty will help students identify and reflect on their abilities, personality traits and values when looking for a successful career match.

Personal Counseling

The Counseling Center has licensed professional counselors and social workers who can aid students in coping with an array of stressors in their academic, work, and home lives. Short term counseling services are available to currently enrolled students. Call 210-486-0333 for more information.


Career Services

Career Services helps students research and identify majors and careers, search for employment, develop resumes, and improve interviewing skills. Several inventory assessment programs are available in the center for students to explore careers and majors. JobLink is an internet-based database that assists students in searching for employment. Also, Career Services staff is trained and ready to assist students with on-line Financial Aid applications (FAFSA), applications for admission to the college, and registration for classes.

Hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday. To learn more about these services call 210-486-0135.

International Students Office

The International Students Office (ISO) helps prospective students through the F-1 student visa requirements and guides them through a successful academic experience. Applicants for F-1 student visas or F-1 visa students transferring from a high school, college, or university in the United States must submit a completed International Student Application Form for admission directly to the International Students Office. The ISO also assists students with academic advising, immigration rules and regulations, scholarship information and personal counseling. The International Students Office is dedicated to helping international students succeed while enrolled at San Antonio College. For more information, call 210-486-0166.

Transfer Services

The Transfer Center provides the educational resources - materials, information, and counseling faculty - to assist students in achieving their career goals. These resources might include a course to upgrade skills, an Associate of Applied Science Degree or certificate (from the Professional and Technical Education Division) that provides training to enter the workforce and/or a two year Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree (from the Arts and Sciences Division) that could lead to a Bachelor’s Degree.

Degree plans for Associate Degrees and certificates, in addition to transfer degrees, are available in the Transfer Center. Counselors, professional staff, and student workers guide students to appropriate information. University recruiters visit the campus on a regular basis to talk one-on-one with students. The Transfer Center also sponsors a transfer fair in the Fall and Spring semesters.

To acquire more information or to access materials, come by the center or call 210-486-0864. No appointment is necessary.

Veterans Affairs Services

The Office of Veterans Affairs helps Veterans and their eligible dependents access their educational benefits. Eligible individuals must complete the required application  procedure prior to being certified for such benefits. For more information, call 210-486-0111.


The College Access Project for Corporate and Business Community (CAPCBC)

CAPCBC has two primary purposes as follows: (a) Intensifying working relationships with employers that have Tuition Assistance Programs for their employees and (b) facilitate for employees that transition into college.

CAPCBC provides on-site/on-campus a system of interrelated transitioning services that includes outreach, recruitment, admissions, assessment, academic counseling, course placement advice, financial aid information and student-support services. Also, access to continuing education and workforce-development program is made easier.

CAPCBC’s team of Faculty Counselors has assisted scores of employers in helping hundreds of their employees transition to SAC. For more information, contact team members at 210-486-0144 or

College Access Project for High School Seniors (CAPHSS)

CAPHSS has two primary purposes as follows: (a) Intensify working relationships with personnel from area high schools and (b) facilitate for seniors the transition into college.

CAPHSS provides on-site/on-campus a system of interrelated transitioning services that includes outreach, recruitment, admissions, assessment, academic counseling, course placement advice, financial aid information, student support services, and assistance to parents/families.

CAPHSS’s team of Faculty (Counselors) has assisted thousands of high school seniors with their transition to college. We collaborate closely with the Alamo Colleges’s Connection Program. Although our primary target consist of the twenty four (24) high schools in the San Antonio Education Partnership (SAEP), more than forty five (45) high schools in San Antonio and the surrounding area have received services. For more information contact team members at 210-486-0144 or

Graduation Project

Graduation Project assists students in evaluating their academic progress and reviewing and/or-assisting them in choosing an appropriate Associate Degree plan, transfer degree plan, or transfer guide. It acquaints students with resources available to them including the degree audit system, the Transfer Center and Career Services. Graduation faculty and staff contact sophomore students to create awareness of graduation requirements and to help them apply for graduation. For more information, call 210-486-0122.

Joint Undergraduate Matriculation Program (JUMP!)

The Joint Undergraduate Matriculation Program (JUMP!) has been established for first-time freshmen who are offered deferred admission to The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). It provides students the opportunity to begin college as a freshman at San Antonio College where they can complete the UTSA core curriculum. To help students transition to UTSA, JUMP! provides supplementary academic support and advisement by JUMP! counselors at San Antonio College. For more information, call the Transfer Center at 210-486-0864.

Basic Skills Enrichment Programs

Basic Skills Enrichment Programs (BSEP) helps developmental students upgrade their skills in English, mathematics, and reading. The non-credit program incorporates a variety of teaching methods including self-paced study. BSEP accepts students at their present skill level and helps them reach their individual academic goals. BSEP is located in room 712 of the Moody Learning Center.

Those who are eligible to participate in BSEP offerings include:

Students who have failed the same developmental mathematics course twice.
Students who need to review before starting college-level courses.
Students preparing for standardized testing required for teacher certification programs.
Students who need an Accuplacer test math score of 76 for program completion or graduation. 

Programs and Services for Women and Non-Traditional Students


The programs and services for women and nontraditional populations at San Antonio College are sources of support and information. Our mission is to assist women, returning and other non-traditional students reach their personal, educational and career goals by offering a wide variety of services and programs. The following components form the foundation for the mission of the Department of Services for Women and Non-Traditional Students:

Women’s Center

The San Antonio College Women’s Center provides academic advising, information, referrals and comprehensive supportive services for women and nontraditional populations including displaced homemakers, women-in-transition, single parents/student parents and reentry women in order to assist them to realize their potential and capabilities. Supportive services include textbook, transportation and childcare assistance for qualified students, scholarship and financial aid resource identification, special sections of college orientation for women returning to school after an absence as well as a leadership development program for women.

Seguir Adelante/Adult Re-Entry Program

The Seguir Adelante Adult Re-Entry Program provides assistance, encouragement and direction to welfare-to-work/low-income women, dislocated workers, public housing residents and other individuals needing transition services in order to re-enter education and/or the workforce. Programs offered include short-term training and employment programs, job search preparation and assistance, computerized academic skills upgrading, and college preparation assistance.

Mi CASA Program

The Mi CASA Program serves low-to-moderate income resides located in the Tobin Hill, Alta Vista, Beacon Hill and Five Point areas.  Services offered include career development, employability skill development, homebuyer education, computer literacy workshops and eligibility screening for social assistance programs (food stamps, WIC, TANF).

Community Outreach

Special community outreach programs include the annual WE Conference For Women returning to school and the LULAC Rey Feo Parent/Child Scholarship Program.  All programs are located in the Empowerment Center located on the corner of Howard and Evergreen Street. To learn more about these services please call 210-486-0455. 

Student Leadership Institute


The Alamo Colleges’ Student Leadership Institute (SLI) is an Alamo Colleges-wide program that provides free, intensive instruction and overviews of issues that are important to effective leadership in any environment. Beginning each Fall, SLI scholars, selected via an application process from all of the Alamo Colleges, will be given the opportunity to reach levels of personal and public accomplishments and leadership within a climate that recognizes and respects diversity. This year-long commitment provides training in skills that enables district representatives to lead a group or work in collaboration with other leaders to accomplish organizational objectives.

The students will be able to meet various successful community leaders, use lab models, case studies, and participate in field studies, while drawing upon the expertise of those who have held leadership roles in all sectors of the economy. Students selected to participate in the Alamo Colleges’ SLI will become SLI scholars and recipients of a scholarship and will have opportunities to travel to Washington, D. C., thus utilizing the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the year in meetings and presentations with officials from private, non-profit, and government sector headquarters. For applications or further information, please contact the SLI Office at 210-485-0792. 

Student Learning Assistance Center


The Student Learning Assistance Center (SLAC) supplements classroom instruction by offering learning strategies which enhance the success potential of traditional and nontraditional students in the College environment. The goal of the SLAC is to enable students to be independent and resourceful learners by providing learning strategies appropriate to non-traditional students and students with diverse learning styles. We will develop independent learners by teaching students how to learn rather than merely giving them quick answers. The learning strategies offered through the SLAC include: tutoring, computer assisted instruction, CD ROM-assisted (multimedia) instruction, and computers for word processing.

Tutoring services are offered through the SLAC. All tutors have been recommended by faculty members and have undergone training programs prior to working with students. Call 210-486-0164 to see if tutors are available for your specific class(es).

The SLAC has several computer software programs for student use on portable computers, which are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. On occasion, a teacher will bring a class into the SLAC for a demonstration of a specific software package which may require several computers to be reserved for the class period. Call 210-486-0164 to confirm when the SLAC is open for your on-campus computer needs. The SLAC is located in room 726 of the Moody Learning Center.  

Supplemental Instruction (SI)


Supplemental instruction (SI) is an academic support program that utilizes peer-assisted study sessions. SI targets historically difficult academic courses and offers to all enrolled students regularly scheduled, out-of-class review sessions. SI study sessions are informal seminars in which students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items. Students learn how to integrate course content and reasoning skills. The SI sessions are directed by “SI leaders,” usually students who have previously and successfully taken the “high-risk” course and who then sit through the course again. The SI leader acts as a model student of the discipline. Students interested in finding out more about SI should visit room 712 of the Moody Learning Center or contact the BSEP/Academic Development at 210-486-0185. 

Building Locations


Bennett Estate (1974), Dewey and Belknap Streets. The three buildings on the Bennett Estate were renovated and assigned to the Department of Music and Humanities and San Antonio College Custodial Services. The main house (Music Hall) is used for faculty offices, teaching studios, and practice rooms for the Department of Music. The guest house and the carriage house provides space for Custodial Services.

Chance Academic Center (1992), 1300 San Pedro Avenue. The Chance Academic Center houses laboratories, classrooms, the Student Health Center, dSS, and the Departments of Biological Sciences, Economics, Engineering Technologies, Political Science, History, Physics / Engineering / Architecture, Sociology, and Protective Services.

Candler Physical Education Center (1951), 1300 San Pedro Avenue. The Candler Physical Education Center contains two regulation basketball courts, an indoor swimming pool, ten racquetball courts, eight tennis courts, a dance studio, weight room, physical conditioning room, classrooms, and offices.

Chemistry and Geology Building (1961), 1300 San Pedro Avenue. The Chemistry and Geology Building contains laboratories, classrooms, department and maintenance offices, and the Earth Sciences Museum.

Continuing Education Annex (2005), 309 W. Dewey. The Division of Continuing Education Training Network utilizes the three modular buildings located on W. Dewey for various courses, such as Alternative Teacher Certification, G.E.D./E.S.L., and Real Estate Inspection.

Department of Public Safety Building (1973), 1601 N. Main Avenue. The Alamo Colleges Police Department Building houses the offices for patrol officers of the Police Department. The administrative office (210-486-0996) is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The emergency telephone number is 210-222-0911. The dispatch non-emergency number is 210-485-0189.

Early Childhood Studies Building (1993), 210 W. Ashby. The Early Childhood Studies Building provides classrooms, laboratories, and office space for the Early Childhood Studies Department and also houses the Early Childhood Center.

Facilities Building (1979), 201 W. Dewey. The Facilities Building houses campus maintenance and housekeeping management as well as the District facilities staff and moving crew.

Fletcher Administration Center (1972), 200 W. Dewey. The Fletcher Administration Center houses the offices for the President, Vice President, Deans, Continuing Education Training Network, Admissions and Records, Student Financial Services, Communications Services, the Assessment Center, and other administrative offices.

Jean Longwith Radio, Television, and Film Building (2005), W. Courtland and Howard Streets. The Jean Longwith Radio, Television, and Film Building is the newest building on the campus of San Antonio College. It is a state-of-the-art facility which houses classrooms, laboratories, two television studios, a multi-track recording studio, a newsroom lab, a lecture theater, a large conference room and faculty offices for the Radio, Television & Film Department, and also KSYM-FM the San Antonio College radio station.

Koehler Cultural Center (1973), 310 West Ashby Place. The Koehler Cultural Center, a gift to the College for enhancement of education in the fine arts, is designated as a Texas historical landmark by the Texas State Historical Commission. It houses the ceramics, art metals, and jewelry design studios of the Visual Arts and Technology Department and is also used as a conference and meeting location.

Law Enforcement Training Center, 1014 San Pedro. The Law Enforcement Training Center houses the Law Enforcement Academy and administrative offices.

Law Enforcement Training Center (Annex), corner of Park and Maverick. The Law Enforcement Training Center (Annex) houses the alcohol breath test training laboratory and classrooms.

Loftin Student Center (1954), between Myrtle and Dewey. The Loftin Student Center houses the bookstore, classrooms and offices of the Department of Journalism and Photography, conference rooms, an employee lounge, a student lounge, a cafeteria, the Student Representative Commission Office, Office of Student Life, and student publications.

M.C. Gonzales Hall (1950), 1300 San Pedro Avenue. M.C. Gonzales Hall houses laboratories, classrooms, and offices of the Department of English.

McAllister Fine Arts Center (1956), 1400 San Pedro Avenue. McAllister Fine Arts Center contains a 1000-seat auditorium, classrooms, offices, studios for dramatic and musical arts, Speech, audio and television studios, practice rooms, and two reception areas.

McCreless Hall (1950), 1300 San Pedro Avenue. McCreless Hall houses McCreless Theater, the Mathematics and Computer Science Department, and the Reading and Education Department.

Moody Learning Center (1968), 1001 Howard Street. The Moody Learning Center contains the Library and Media Services, language laboratories, individual instruction laboratories, tutorial services, the SSP, the Office of Student Development, the Counseling Center, Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Transfer Center, Job Placement Center, Women’s Center, Career Planning Center, ISO, SLAC, and the Departments of Foreign Languages, Philosophy, Psychology, and Business. The center also houses the Technology Center, the Instructional Innovation Center, and the Videoconferencing Center.

Motor Pool Building (1978), 1727 North Main Avenue. The Motor Pool Building houses the District Motor Pool and the campus grounds crew.

Nail Technical Center (1966), 1300 San Pedro Avenue. The Nail Technical Center provides classrooms, laboratories, and office space for the following departments: Administrative Computer Technology, Allied Health, Computer Information Systems, Engineering Technologies, American Sign Language/Interpreter Training, and Mortuary Science. Office space is also provided for nursing faculty.

Nursing Education Building (1972), 1300 San Pedro Avenue. The Nursing Education Building houses the Department of Nursing Education, its laboratories, classrooms, and most faculty offices.

Scobee Planetarium (1961), adjacent to the Chemistry and Geology Building. The Scobee Planetarium provides the accumulated knowledge of astronomy and space science to educational institutions and the community.

Seguir Adelante Community Center for Adult Re-Entry Education and Training (2006), 703 Howard. The center provides college re-entry/transition services, short-term training, financial literacy/money management, and homebuyer education classes. The center houses staff offices, a computer lab, a conference room, and a training classroom.

Special Projects Center, 218 W. Ashby.

Susan R. Oppenheimer Education and Training Center (1990), 1801 N. Main Avenue. The Susan R. Oppenheimer Education and Training Center provides office space and classrooms for the Continuing Education Training Network. Also included are laboratories for the division’s Allied Health, Environmental Technology, Office Skills, and Computer Training Programs.

Visual Arts and Technology Center (1991), 950 Lewis Street. The Visual Arts and Technology Center houses visual arts studios, a lecture theater, electronic multimedia studios, a visual resource library, and a large conference room. In the center of the building is a two-story instructional gallery displaying changing exhibits by professional artists, graphic designers, faculty, and art students featuring drawings, painting and sculpture, jewelry, lithography, and photography.
