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  Feb 07, 2025
San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2014-2015 
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San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2014-2015 [Archived Catalog]

Special Academic Initiatives

Developmental Education

The Developmental Education Program exists to identify academically under-prepared students, to prescribe appropriate developmental course work, to offer alternative delivery methods, and to assure adequate support services for students in the program.

Placement in the program is accomplished through a formal assessment of each student’s academic abilities. Interpretation of test results and subsequent methods of study are determined by a counselor or faculty advisor.

Courses with a course number beginning with the number zero are developmental level courses and as such do not fulfill any requirements for degrees offered at San Antonio College. They are not considered in honors list calculations and are not transferable to a senior college. Other developmental options are offered through the Basic Skills Enrichment Program (Student Services section) and academic departments.

One important program objective is to assist students in the acquisition of skills and knowledge necessary for successful completion of college work. The director of Academic Development coordinates the program on and off campus and conducts ongoing assessment of the program.

Edge Program

The purpose of the EDGE Program is to function as a bridge between the last two years of high school and the freshman year of college for students interested in science, mathematics, engineering, or technology. The program is designed to involve 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students in collaborative learning activities within a learning community environment over an eight-week Summer session at SAC and enhance their ability to achieve academic and personal success in their chosen field. Students who successfully complete the coursework will earn five hours of college credit applicable towards an Associate Degree from SAC.

English as a Second Language Program (ESL, ESLA, and ENGA) - located in the Center for English Language Learning at San Antonio College (CELL @ SAC)

The English as a Second Language Program in the Center for English Language Learning at San Antonio College (CELL @ SAC) provides intensive 8-week courses for English language learners who are residents or international students with F-1 Visas.  Classes are available day and evening.  (All credit ESLA and ENGA students must take the state-mandated college placement test):

English as a Second Language (ESL):  Students register for non-credit ESL classes to (1) obtain ESL literacy; (2) achieve English competence (skill) for success in job training programs and job advancement; (3) meet personal goals; or (4) prepare for more advanced English language study.

English as a Second Language for Academics (ESLA):  Students take credit ESLA classes to prepare for academic study at SAC, other colleges or universities.  Upon completion of the ESL sequence of classes and before students register for college-level classes, they register for and must pass all exit requirements of the ENGA classes.

English for Academic Purposes (ENGA):  ENGA students are advanced English language learners.  ENGA classes prepare students to transition to college-level classes at SAC, other colleges or universities.  Students must pass all exit requirements before they may transition to college-level classes.

Course Placement:  All new ESLA/ESL and ENGA students are placed in the program based on their scores on the department placement test.

ESLA/ESL Courses:  There are four levels.  Each one contains a course in (1) listening and speaking, (2) writing, (3) grammar, and (4) reading.

ENGA Courses:  include (1) grammar and writing and (2) reading and vocabulary.

College-readiness:  Upon completion of one intensive 8-week semester, ENGA students qualify for college-level classes if they demonstrate college-readiness on the ENGA exit exams for both ENGA (1) grammar and writing and (2) reading and vocabulary.  All other ENGA students may still qualify for college-level classes by completing all exit requirements of a second semester of ENGA.

International Students with F-1 Visa:  register for credit (ESLA and ENGA) classes, while residents may register for credit (ESLA and ENGA) or non-credit (ESL) classes.

Department office/telephone number: Oppenheimer Academic Center, OC 119/210-486-0965.

Note:  ESLA/ESL and ENGA classes do not fulfill any requirements for any degree offered at the College.  Nor are the grades for the courses considered in honors-list calculations.

Learning Communities

What Is a Learning Community

The idea of a Learning Community is to enroll the same group of students into at least two classes that have some type of connection or link to each other. Having the same students in two of your classes allows you to make friends, form study groups, and learn in a more relaxed atmosphere.  The college expresses its commitment to helping students face and overcome the multiple challenges that college education can present by offering opportunities for them to partner with supportive networks of college faculty and peers.  The Learning In Communities program is open to all majors. It is comprised of paired classes with a common theme or assignment that promotes collaborative learning, participation in study groups and course connections.

How Can You Benefit from Learning Communities?

Students benefit from participating in learning communities for several reasons. First, it increases students’ feelings of connection to the school and their courses since they are with the same group of peers in at least two of their classes. Second, the overlap in information and/or assignments that results from having paired classes helps students better understand material. Finally, research has shown that students who participate in the Learning in Communities program have increased grade point averages and class completion rates.

Open Entry/Open Exit

Open-entry/open-exit (OE/OE) courses are offered through the Administrative Computer Technology (ACT) Department. The OE/OE Learning Center provides 40 computer workstations in a classroom/laboratory located in room 207 of the Nail Technical Center. OE/OE classes are offered in an unstructured setting where the student works independently adhering to regular weekly attendance and following predetermined and definite due dates for assignments and tests. The OE/OE classroom/laboratory is available approximately 55 to 65 hours each week. There are 23 different software applications courses available through the OE/OE environment. An instructor is available to assist students at all times the facility is available. Students are required to attend class the first week for orientation and admissions processing. Penalties are assessed for late work and for tests not taken by scheduled due dates. Depending upon the course(s), a specific number of hours each week must be completed in the classroom/laboratory. Classes offered in an eight-week session require one to three hours per week attendance depending upon the specific course requirements. Classes offered in a 16-week session require three to four hours per week attendance depending upon the specific course requirements. A student may attend extra time and may complete the course and final examination ahead of schedule. The teacher of record is in the classroom/laboratory during designated times and is available for assistance and/or conferences during office hours. Instructors of selected Internet courses use the OE/OE Learning Center as the testing site for the Internet courses.

For further information, contact the ACT Department personnel at 210-486-0531.

Service-Learning Program

San Antonio College, through its Service-Learning Program, offers students the opportunity to serve the community in a wide variety of settings in the areas of environment, education, public safety, government, and social agencies.

Service-learning is a teaching method which utilizes service to the community as a form of hands-on learning for students. Service is usually curriculum-based and must be completed at a non-profit, government, or state-funded agency. Faculty members use service and reflective activities as a way to instruct students in a more meaningful way. The Service-Learning Office has contacts and relationships with more than 200 non-profit service-learning (volunteer) sites. For more information on service-learning, contact the Office of Student Life at 210-486-0125 or visit their website.

Service Member’s Opportunity College Program

San Antonio College offers the Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts, the Associate of Science Degree in Pre-Professional Studies, and the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Criminal Justice, Computer Information Systems, and Management to active duty military personnel through the college’s affiliation with the Servicemember’s Opportunity College Associate Degree (SOCAD) Program. SOCAD provides the opportunity for service members to attain their educational goals while fulfilling their military commitments. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, located on the first floor of the Moody Learning Center, at 210-486-0112.

Tech Prep Program

San Antonio College is engaged in major technical and professional career preparation by providing continuity of learning and quality educational opportunities for all students. The Tech Prep/Associate Degree Program is a significant component of this concept providing educational and career preparation in technical fields to high school students who will be the workforce of the future.

The concept of the Tech Prep Program involves a sequence of knowledge and skills acquisition, beginning in elementary school, linked with a guided, integrated high school plan of academic and technical subjects which connects the student to the community college and the university. Articulation provides the avenue for high schools and community colleges to share a jointly developed, competency-based, industry-validated curriculum without duplication or repetition. The program’s curriculum in high school and colleges represents a rigorous body of knowledge and skills which will prepare a better-educated worker with advanced skills and the ability to apply these skills as the world of technology changes.

San Antonio College has developed with area independent school districts, and presented for approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Tech Prep Associate Degrees in: Child Development, Computer-Aided Drafting and Design, Criminal Justice, Dental Assisting, Electronics, Medical Assisting, and Administrative Assistant.