ASTR 1170 - Introduction to Astronomy LaboratoryPrerequisites: MATH 1314 and (ASTR 1370 or ASTR 1371). Concurrent enrollment in ASTR 1370 or ASTR 1371 allowed. Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: ENGL 0300 Reading Basic Skills Prerequisite: READ 0302 Math Basic Skills Prerequisite: MATH 0302 Introduction to practical observational techniques, using the schools telescopes as well as student built classical instruments. Topics include in-class projects on spectroscopy, stellar positions, solar heating, planetary motions, solar and astrophotography, star clusters, galaxies, and cosmology. Unique Need Course: Check with your transfer institution to verify acceptance of courses. Semester Hours: (1-0-3) CIP: 40.0201.71 03
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