Portfolio Development for Graphic Design   [Archived Catalog]
San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2013-2014

ARTC 2435 - Portfolio Development for Graphic Design

Prerequisites: ARTC 1405 , ARTC 1409 , ARTC 1453 , ARTC 1427 , ARTC 2411 , ARTC 1494 , ARTC 1459 , ARTC 1417 , ARTC 2417 , and (ARTC 2447  or concurrent enrollment)

Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): ENGL 0301 
Reading Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): READ 0303 
Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite (Spring 2014): INRW 0420 
Math Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): MATH 0300 
Math Basic Skills Prerequisite (Spring 2014) MATH 0305 
Preparation of a digital portfolio comprised of completed Communication Design projects. Evaluation and demonstration of portfolio presentation skills to meet professional standards and improve candidate's job-seeking techniques. This is a capstone course.

Semester Hours: (4-3-3)

CIP: 50.0402

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