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  Mar 06, 2025
San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2018-2019 
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San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2018-2019 [Archived Catalog]

English, Education, Humanities, Journalism/Photography

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Gilliam “Mike” Burton, Department Chair
GH 123, 210-486-0649


Garry Partridge, Program Coordinator
MCCH 132A, 210-486-0680

The English Department offers a variety of courses to students. For the student who enrolls in English for the first time, placement is made according to college entrance examination scores approved by the English Department. If the student’s performance on such tests indicates that the student needs instruction before taking English 1301 (Composition I), the student will be required to take INRW 0055 (INRW Refresher).  The student will then be assessed by a faculty member and placed in either INRW 0420,  Engl 1301 + 1, Engl 1301+2 or Engl 1301.

If students are required to take INRW 0420, they must pass that course with a “C” or better before enrolling in ENGL 1301.   INRW courses cannot be used to replace any other required English course.

ENGL 1301 Composition I and ENGL 1302 Composition II are designed to satisfy the requirement of most colleges that demand six hours of freshman composition, to meet the core requirements and to meet Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) Degree exit competencies.

If transfer students encounter special problems, they should consult a counselor or an advisor in the English Department.

In selecting sophomore English courses, the student should consider both the major subject and the senior college to which the credits will be transferred. When only three hours of sophomore English are required, the student may choose any of the three-hour sophomore courses.  If the total required is six hours, however, a few colleges require that ENGL 2323 British Literature II: Romanticism to Present always be combined with ENGL 2322 British Literature I: Anglo Saxon through Neoclassical and ENGL 2332 World Literature I: Antiquity through Renaissance with ENGL 2333 World Literature II: Neoclassical to Present. Many senior colleges require that students with English as a major complete the survey of British Literature (ENGL 2322/2323) and students with elementary education as a major complete World Literature (ENGL 2332/2333), or ENGL 2341 (Children’s Lit).  A student with science or engineering as a major usually takes any of the three-hour sophomore literature courses and follows it with ENGL 2311 Technical Writing. All sophomore literature courses are writing intensive (WI).

To be allowed to take two sophomore English courses concurrently when it is acceptable to the degree granting institution, a student must have at least a “B” average in freshman English and the approval of the chairman of the Department of English. All sophomore-level English courses require essay writing and may require oral reports.

Education or Teacher Education

Ann Weesner, Program Coordinator
MCCH 132B, 210-486-1280


The Education offers two introductory courses for students seeking a career in teaching.  Education (EDUC) 1301 is an introductory course on the teaching profession and Education (EDUC) 2301 addresses the issue of special populations. 

Students will be introduced to the duties and responsibilities of a public school teacher. 

With an Associate of Arts in Teaching, (ATT) degree, students may work as a teaching assistant in a public school.  For students interested in becoming certified teachers in Texas, the ATT degree is beneficial in earning a Baccalaureate in Education.  

Students participate in a sixteen hour field experience which provides them the opportunity to decide whether the teaching profession is an appropriate career choice.


Marianne Odom, Program Coordinator
LSC 204, 210-486-1765

The Journalism/Photography Program offers an Associate of Arts degree with optional electives in journalism.  Courses, which are listed under the COMM prefix, prepare students for careers in print, broadcast and digital media; multimedia; photojournalism; public relations; advertising; and photography.  Journalism training teaches students how to gather information, evaluate it, organize it, and present it in a way the public can understand it.  The study of journalism also helps prepare students for law school, graduate study and academic success in many liberal arts fields.  Photography courses provide skills for social media, hobbies and professional photography and provide a basis for filmmaking and videography training as well as support for many other professions such as law enforcement, medical, geology, astronomy, and architecture.


    Creative & Communication Arts InstitutePublic Service Institute


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