2009-2010 and later archived San Antonio College Academic Catalogs can be accessed from the drop-down menu above.
Prior to 2009, archived San Antonio College Catalogs are available in PDF format and require free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view:
2008-2009 SAC Catalog (PDF)
2007-2008 SAC Catalog (PDF)
2006-2007 SAC Catalog (PDF)
2005-2006 SAC Catalog (PDF)
To access information from pre-2005 print catalogs, interested parties need to contact the SAC Library with their specific requests. They may visit and ask for help at any library service desk in the Moody Learning Center, email ask@sac.libanswers.com, call (210) 486-0554, or text (210) 714-1649. A SAC Library staff member will then scan and email them the pages and/or information they need.