RNSG 1341 - Common Concepts of Adult Health Special Fees: $350.00 Prerequisites: RNSG 1309 , RNSG 1260 , RNSG 1262 or concurrent enrollment in any
Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): ENGL 0301 Reading Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): READ 0303 Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite (Spring 2014): INRW 0420 Math Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): MATH 0302 Math Basic Skills Prerequisite (Spring 2014) MATH 0310 Basic integration of the role of the professional nurse as a provider of patient-centered care, patient safety advocate, member of health care team, and member of the profession. Study of the common concepts of caring for adult patients and families with medical-surgical health care needs related to body systems, emphasizing knowledge, judgment, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. This course lends itself to a blocked approach.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 51. 3801
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