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  Feb 12, 2025
San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2018-2019 
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San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2018-2019 [Archived Catalog]

Allied Health and Kinesiology

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Cheryl Startzell, Interim Department Chair
NAHC 134, 210-486-1502

The Allied Health Department consists of four programs: Medical Assisting, Dental Assisting, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Kinesiology. Each program offers an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree, Associate of Arts (AA) Kinesiology only, and a Certificate.

Dental Assisting Program

Carmen Santiago, Program Coordinator
NAHC 208,  210-486-1502

The mission of the Dental Assisting Program is to provide for and support competency based learning for a multicultural community. As one of seven accredited Dental Assisting Programs in Texas, the program is committed to excellence in helping to meet the diverse needs of both traditional and nontraditional students. The program seeks to provide each student with the essential knowledge and skills necessary to become a functional dental team member and meet the requirements of the national examining entity.

The Dental Assisting Program prepares individuals with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to become a vital member of the dental health care team. Students accepted into the program attend specialized classes in dental assisting, as well as classes in general education. The knowledge is then applied in a clinical setting.

San Antonio College, in cooperation with the San Antonio District Dental Society and the San Antonio Dental Assistants Organization, offers an AAS Degree in Dental Assisting, a Dental Assisting Certificate, and an Enhanced Skills Certificate. The Dental Assisting Program is accredited by the American Dental Association (ADA) Commission on Dental Accreditation.


The Commission currently publishes, in its accredited lists of programs, the year of the next site visit for each program it accredits. In addition, the Commission posts its spring and fall announcements on the Accreditation Announcements area of the ADA website for those programs being site visited January through June or July through December. Developing programs submitting applications for initial accreditation may be scheduled for site visits after the posting on the ADA website; thus, the specific dates of these site visits will not be available for publication. These programs will be listed in the Accreditation Announcements with a special notation that the developing programs have submitted applications for initial accreditation and have been scheduled for site visits. Parties interested in these specific dates (should they be established) are welcomed/encouraged to contact the Commission office.

The United States Department of Education (USDE) procedures require accrediting agencies to provide an opportunity for third-party comment, either in writing or at a public hearing (at the accrediting agencies’ discretion) with respect to institutions or programs scheduled for review. All comments must relate to accreditation standards for the discipline and required accreditation policies. In order to comply with the Department’s requirement on the use of third-party comment regarding program’s qualifications for accreditation or initial accreditation, the following procedures have been developed.

Programs with the status of initial accreditation, and programs seeking initial accreditation may have comments submitted by interested parties such as faculty, students, program administrators, Commission consultants, specialty and dental-related organizations, patients, and/or consumers

The Commission will request written comments from interested parties in the spring and fall Accreditation Announcements on the ADA website. All comments relative to programs being visited will be due in the Commission office no later than sixty (60) days prior to each program’s site visit to allow time for the program to respond. Therefore, programs being site-visited in January through June will be listed in the fall posting of the previous year and programs scheduled for a site visit from July through December will be listed in the spring posting of the current year. Any unresolved issues related to the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards will be reviewed by the visiting committee while on-site.

Those programs scheduled for review are responsible for soliciting third-party comments from students and patients by publishing an announcement at least ninety (90) days prior to their site visit. The notice should indicate the deadline of sixty (60) days for receipt of third-party comments in the Commission office and should stipulate that comments must be signed, that signatures will be removed from comments prior to forwarding them to the program, and that comments must pertain only to the standards for the particular program or policies and procedures used in the Commission’s accreditation process. The announcement may include language to indicate that a copy of the appropriate accreditation standards and/or the Commission’s policy on third-party comments may be obtained by contacting the Commission at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, or by calling 1/800-621-8099, extension 4653.

All comments submitted must pertain only to the standards relative to the particular program being reviewed or policies and procedures used in the accreditation process. Comments will be screened by Commission staff for relevancy. Only signed comments will be considered. For comments not relevant to these issues, the individual will be notified that the comment is not related to accreditation and, where appropriate, referred to the appropriate agency. For those individuals who are interested in submitting comments, requests may be made to the Commission office.

All relevant comments will have signatures removed and will then be referred to the program at least fifty (50) days prior to the site visit for review and response. A written response from the program should be provided to the Commission office and the visiting committee fifteen (15) days prior to the site visit. Adjustments may be necessary in the site visit schedule to allow discussion of comments with proper personnel. Negative comments received after the established deadline of sixty (60) days prior to the site visit will be handled as a complaint.
Reaffirmed: 8/10, 1/03; Revised: 7/09, 8/02, 2/06, 1/97; Adopted: 7/95

INSTITUTION: ___________________________________________________________________________

PROGRAM(S) TO BE REVIEWED: ________________________________________________________

SITE VISIT DATE: ______________________________________________________________________

(Commission on Dental Accreditation, 211 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611)

Medical Assisting Program

Luis Vega-Maldonado, Program Coordinator
NAHC 134, 210-486-1502

The goal of the Medical Assisting Program is to prepare competent entry-level medical assistants in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.

Medical Assistants are multi-skilled health professionals specifically educated to work in ambulatory healthcare settings performing administrative and clinical duties.  The practice of medical assisting directly influences the public’s health and well-being, and requires mastery of a complex body of knowledge and specialized skills requiring both formal education and practical experience that serve as standards for entry into the profession.

The mission of the Medical Assisting Program is to train students to perform routine medical assisting administrative and clinical tasks in a physician’s office, hospital outpatient clinic, or other ambulatory care facility. Medical assistants work under the direct supervision of a physician or other licensed health care provider. Although duties may be similar, or even overlap, medical assistants are not nurses.

The duties of medical assistants vary from office to office and/or practice to practice. Administrative duties often include answering telephones, greeting patients, managing the front desk, initiating and maintaining medical records, performing duties in billing, coding and claims, and managing the financial component of the practice. Clinical skills include assessing vital signs, preparing patients for examination, setting up sterile fields and assisting with minor surgery, and preparing and administering medications. Medical assistants also collect and analyze specimens, perform phlebotomy, remove sutures, change dressings, and perform EKGs. An important aspect of the occupation is patient education and instruction concerning medications, nutrition, and other physician-directed regimens pertinent to the patient’s condition.

San Antonio College AAS and Certificate Level II Medical Assisting programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
25400 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 158
Clearwater, FL 33763

Students who graduate from the Medical Assisting Program, qualify for the examination for the Certified Medical Assistant [(CMA (AAMA)] credential.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Jeff Bailey, Program Coordinator
NAHC 134, 210-486-1502

Important:  All students interested in applying to the EMS Degree Program must meet with the Program Coordinator in person.  Students should call: 210-486-1502 to make an appointment.

The mission of this program is to support a combination of classroom teaching and supervised clinical and field experience to provide the student with the essential knowledge and skills necessary to become a functional entry level Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).  The goal of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Paramedic Credit Program is “To prepare competent entry-level Emergency Medical Technician Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains”.  Upon successful completion of EMS courses, the student will be eligible to take the National Registered Examination.  If the examination is passed, the graduate will be a Nationally Registered EMT.

In addition to meeting the general admission requirements of San Antonio College, all students desiring admission to the EMS Program must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be current in all immunizations: MMR, Hepatitis B series, PPD test for TB within the last year.  Written proof of these immunizations must be received prior to the first day of clinical rotations.
  • Must be currently certified in Basic Life Support (CPR) at the Healthcare Provider Level.
  • Pass a criminal background check.
  • Meet college level skills for Reading, English for EMSP 1501 & 1260.
  • For the Paramedic portion:  In addition to the above mentioned Reading and English, college level skills for math and successful completion of BIOL 2401 or BIOL 2404 with a “C” or better and a currently certified EMT-Basic or Intermediate is required.
  • Must have documented proof of health insurance.

The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Paramedic Credit Program AAS and Certificate Level II are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).  CAAHEP, 25400 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763; phone number:  727-210-2350; - upon recommendation of the CoAEMSP.


Brad Dudney, Program Coordinator
CPEC 131A, 210-486-1017

The mission of the Kinesiology Department is to promote the goal of health and total well-being to its students through the dissemination of knowledge primarily through one-hour activity courses related to physical fitness, lifetime sports and dance. Additionally, the department supports student and faculty in discipline-related service to the college, health and fitness fields, and the global community.

A degree from many senior colleges may require Kinesiology activity courses for graduation. A student should confer with the senior college of their choice about graduation requirements.

Effective Fall 2012, majors in Kinesiology will be able to earn an Associate’s Degree in Kinesiology.   Degree plans are currently available and interested students should contact an advisor in the Kinesiology department.  Transfer plans in Kinesiology with local universities are available as well.

Any two hours of Kinesiology courses are required for an Associate’s degree awarded at San Antonio College for degree plans prior to 2012-2013.  Exceptions are for students with more than two years of military service and those certified by a physician as physically unable to participate.

The Kinesiology Department offers:

  •   Activity courses in relation to physical fitness and lifetime sports.
  •   Activity courses to meet the requirements for an Associate’s Degree.
  •   Theory courses for a major or minor in health or kinesiology.
  •   Theory courses as electives for majors in related fields.

Health appraisals are required for all students enrolled in an activity course in the Kinesiology department.

Recreational use of the facilities is limited. See department schedule for more information. Intramural and Club sports activities are offered through the Office of Student Life.


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