Mar 10, 2025
RNSG 1128 - Introduction to Health Care Concepts Special Program Tuition: $600 Prerequisites: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program; Concurrent enrollment in RNSG 1125 , RNSG 1216 , RNSG 1430 , RNSG 1161 for Generic Majors; Concurrent enrollment in RNSG 1424 , RNSG 1216 , RNSG 1263 for Career Mobility Majors
Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Math Basic Skills Prerequisite: MATH 0320 An introduction to concept-based learning with emphasis on selected pathophysiological concepts with nursing applications. Concepts include acid-base balance, fluid and electrolytes, immunity, gas exchange, perfusion, metabolism, coping, and tissue integrity. This course lends itself to a concept-based approach.
Semester Hours: (1 -1- 0)
CIP: 51.3801
Offered at: NLC: No NVC: No PAC: No SAC: Yes SPC: Yes Click here for course schedule information.
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