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  Feb 12, 2025
San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2020-2021 
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San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2020-2021 [Archived Catalog]

Business and Entrepreneurship

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Velica Calvert, Ph.D., Department Chair
OC 325, 210-486-0190

The Business and Entrepreneurship offers four programs leading to AAS Degrees and certificates. The programs are Banking and Financial Services; Business Management; Economics,  and Real Estate Management. These programs are designed to develop the knowledge, attitude, and experience necessary to function effectively in decision-making positions. Pre-registration counseling, required for admission to degree candidacy in all Business Department programs, is available in the department offices in the Susan R. & Jesse H. Oppenheimer building (OC).

Business Administration

Susan Blizzard, Program Coordinator
OC 345, 210-486-0189

The business field of study curriculum is a transferable degree and applies to all students majoring in business-related areas. The Associate of Arts degree can be transferred to a number of four-year institutions, with any major in a business-related area including, but not limited to: General Business, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Management Information Systems, Business Computer Information Systems. Some course include: Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting and Business Computer Applications.

Business Management

Charles Hunt Ph.D., Program Coordinator
OC 335, 210-486-0197

The Business Management Program is a two-year program to develop the fundamental skills, knowledge, attitudes, and experience necessary for men and women to function in decision-making positions. Combining academic training with practical on-the-job training compatible with the student's career objective, business management courses are available in both day, online, and evening class formats. Pre-registration counseling is required for admission to this degree program and is available from departmental personnel in the Oppenheimer Building (Rm 335), Dr. Charles Hunt, Coordinator.

Banking and Financial Services

Mahmud Yusuf, Ph.D., Program Coordinator
OC 333, 210-486-0195

The Banking and Financial Services offers a two-degree and a level I Certificate: an Associate of Applied Science Degree and Certificate in Banking and Financial Services.

The AAS Degree in Banking and Financial Services is designed to teach current and potential professionals the process and methodology of the rapidly changing global financial services industry. Combined with the liberal arts core curriculum of San Antonio College, the program provides any student with the fundamental knowledge required of a banker or financial services provider while allowing him or her the opportunity to obtain an Associate’s Degree in Banking and Financial Services.  A Banking and Financial Services Certificate is awarded to any student completing the required 18 semester hours for the certificate. These hours can then be applied toward the AAS Degree.

Real Estate Management

Johnnie Rosenauer, Ed.D., Program Coordinator
NTC 314, 210-486-0532 or 210-486-0531

Real Estate Management is a two-year accelerated program to develop fundamental skills, knowledge, attitudes, and experience necessary for men and women to function in real estate careers. The course of instruction outlined below is designed to lead to an AAS Degree.

Real Estate Management courses are available in day, evening and online class formats. Preregistration counseling required for admission to this degree program is available from department personnel in the Susan R. & Jesse H. Oppenheimer building (OC).

Accounting Technology

Elizabeth Haan, Program Coordinator
NTC 314, 210-486-0532 or 210-486-0531

The Accounting Technology program offers the following certificates and degrees:

  • Marketable Skills Certificate-Accounting Computer Applications (12 hours)
  • Level 1 Certificate-Accounting Technician (27 hours)
  • AAS Degree-Accounting Technology (60 hours)

These programs are designed to meet the needs of students who primarily seek accounting or bookkeeping -related employment skills. After completing one of the certificate plans, students will have sufficient skills to obtain employment in certain entry-level bookkeeping jobs or to advance in their current positions. Courses in the marketable skills certificate are applied to the level 1 certificate, and all courses on both certificates count toward the Associate of Applied Science degree. The Accounting Technology degree prepares students to work successfully in the electronic office. The programs provide a solid foundation in general education and in-depth technical skills needed in the accounting field. The overall focus of the computer classes in Accounting Technology is to provide students with quality instruction and many hours of “hands-on” experience using industry standard accounting software as well as spreadsheet and word processing software. With the assistance of a faculty advisor, a student can design a program of study to meet his or her individual needs.

The Accounting Technology program offers QuickBooks certification through Certiport.

Administrative Computer Technology

Elizabeth Haan, Program Coordinator
NTC 314, 210-486-0532 or 210-486-0531

The Administrative Computer Technology (ACT) Program consists of four areas offering AAS degrees and/or certificates.  The programs are:  Accounting Technology, Administrative Assistant, Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, and Paralegal Studies.  The ACT Programs offer day, evening and online courses.

Administrative Assistant

Elizabeth Haan, Program Coordinator
NTC 314, 210-486-0532 or 210-486-0531

The Administrative Assistant Program offers the following certificates and degrees:

  • Level 1 Certificate-Office Technician (18 Hours)
  • Level 1 Certificate-Administrative Systems Specialist I (30 hours)
  • Level 2 Certificate-Administrative Systems Specialist II (45 hours)
  • AAS Degree-Administrative Assistant (60 hours)

These programs are designed to meet the needs of students who primarily seek office-related employment skills. Upon completion of the certificates, students will have sufficient skills to obtain employment in certain entry-level office jobs or to advance in their current positions. Courses in each level 1 certificate are applied to the level 2 certificate, and all courses on the level 1 and level 2 certificates count toward the Associate of Applied Science degree. With the assistance of a faculty advisor, a student can design a program of study to meet his or her individual needs.

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary

Elizabeth Haan, Program Coordinator
NTC 314, 210-486-0532 or 210-486-0531

  • Level 1 Certificate (30 hours)

The Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary program offers a level 1 certificate designed to meet the needs of students who primarily seek employment in legal administrative assistant/secretarial positions.  This certificate offers the student sufficient skills to obtain employment in certain entry-level legal secretarial jobs or to advance in their current positions. The Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretarial program includes instruction in keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, database, introduction to law, and legal document preparation, as well as instruction in specialized legal software for accounting, docket control, law office management, e-discovery, litigation support, and several graphics/video presentation systems to aid in attorney presentations during trials. The courses on the Level 1 certificate can be applied towards the Administrative Assistant AAS degree.

Paralegal Studies

Tandy Schoolcraft, Program Coordinator
NTC 203 or 313, 210-486-1067 or 210-486-0531

  • AAS Degree (60 hours)

The Paralegal Studies Program curriculum is designed to provide paraprofessional education to qualify a person as an assistant or aide to lawyers. The need for assistance in the legal profession has expanded greatly as our population increases and with growing demands for legal services in both civil and criminal matters. The qualified paralegal works at all times under the direct supervision of a lawyer.

Credit Given for Certification

The number of course credits that will apply toward graduation will vary depending on the particular curriculum. To receive credit, the applicant must:

  • Request direct notification be given to the College’s director of Admissions and Records Office by the Institute for Certifying Secretaries (for 1 CPS), the Certifying Board of the National Association of Legal Secretaries (2 PLS), or the Institute for Certifying Records Managers (3 CRM) that the applicant has passed all sections of the examination and the dates the examination was administered.
  • Earn 12 hours of credit for courses at San Antonio College before the advanced standing credit is posted on the applicant’s record.

1 Credit Given for Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) Certification

Credit toward an AAS Degree in Administrative Computer Technology may be awarded upon successful completion of all parts of the CPS examination. Effective with the 1994 examination, the courses for which credit may be granted are:

  • ACNT 1303 Introduction to Accounting I.
  • POFT 1313 Professional Workforce.
  • POFT 1301 Business English/Communications I (WI).
  • POFT 2380 Cooperative Education-Administrative Assistant/Secretarial Science, General.

2 Credit Given for Professional Legal Secretary (PLS) Certification

Credit toward an AAS Degree in Administrative Computer Technology may be awarded upon successful completion of all parts of the PLS certification examination. The courses for which credit may be granted are:

  • ACNT 1303 Introduction to Accounting I.
  • POFT 1313 Professional Workforce.
  • POFT 1301 Business English/Communications I (WI).
  • Students Must Choose One From:
    1. POFT 2380 Cooperative Education-Administrative Asst./Secretarial Science, General


Dr. Bruce Norton, Program Coordinator
OC 339, 210-486-0430

The Economics Program offers courses designed for economics and business majors as well as for students interested in other fields of study who wish to learn about economics while satisfying their degree requirements.

Econ 1301 (Introduction to Economics) is a non-technical one semester introduction to the field of economics aimed particularly at non-business or economics majors. While future majors may begin their study of economics with Econ 1301 if they wish, it is not a pre-requisite for subsequent courses and does not count directly for economics or business major requirements; most future majors will choose to start directly with 2300-level principles courses.

Econ 2301 (Principles of Macroeconomics) studies business cycles, economic growth, banking and the money supply, and government policies related to unemployment, inflation, and other economy-wide issues.

Econ 2302 (Principles of Microeconomics) focuses on market dynamics and the decision-making of firms and consumers.

The Program offers ECON 2301 and 2302 in online formats as well as in regular classroom format.

Students interested in majoring in economics are warmly urged to consult with the program coordinator about their major plans, course choices, and any other questions or concerns they may have. Students should also check their course planning with the College’s Department of Counseling and Student Development.


    Advanced Manufacturing & Logistics InstituteBusiness & Entrepreneurship InstitutePublic Service Institute


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