San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2013-2014 [Archived Catalog]
Nursing Education
Return to: Department Information Lula W. Pelayo Ph.D., R.N., Interim Chairperson
Stella Cirlos M.S.N., R.N., Program Coordinator
NAHC 378C, 210-486-1852
Main phone number: 210-486-1144
The Department of Nursing Education offers:
- Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree in Nursing.
The Department of Nursing Education at San Antonio College is accredited by the following agencies:
Texas Board of Nursing (BON)
333 Guadalupe #3-460, Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: (512) 305-7400 fax: (512) 305-7401
National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)
3343 Peachtree Road NE Suite 850, Atlanta Georgia, 30326
Phone (404) 975-5000 fax: (404) 975-5020
The Nursing Program combines general education and nursing education in a two-year collegiate program. Students in the Nursing Program will be required to take nationally normed/standardized tests throughout the curriculum and are counseled on results of such testing. In the last semester of the nursing curriculum, students will be required to take comprehensive exit exam in order to be cleared to be eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN. When the degree requirements are completed and the graduate is cleared by the Nursing Department, the graduate will be eligible to take the National Council’s Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). Upon passing the NCLEX-RN, the graduate will be licensed in the state of Texas as a registered nurse (RN). San Antonio College Department of Nursing Education has articulation agreements with several state and private universities to help the student obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).
All students requesting admission to the Department of Nursing Education should follow this sequence:
- Apply to San Antonio College for admission. An application to the college should be submitted online at The nursing program application will also need to be submitted online at
- Send official copies of all college course work to the Admissions and Records Office. Allow time for receipt and processing of transcripts (four to five weeks).
- Applicants considered for admission to the Nursing Program must:
- Be in good academic standing. (No scholastic probation)
- Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher and minimum 2.5 in the nursing pre-requisites.
- Have successfully completed all general education pre-requisites for the nursing program as listed in the degree plan: BIOL 2401 and 2402; PSYC 2301; PSYC 2314
After items listed above have been completed, applicants should talk to a counselor in the Nursing Department, located Room 340 of the Nursing Allied Health Complex (NAHC) to determine academic eligibility. During the counseling session, the applicant’s eligibility status will be determined. Only applicants who are academically eligible will be able to complete the online application for the Nursing Program.
Weekly information sessions are provided in the Nursing Department on Wednesdays at 1 pm in room 208, NAHC during regular school sessions.
After meeting all requirements, the applicant must still be admitted by the Admissions and Standards Committee of the Department of Nursing Education. Admission to the Nursing Program is competitive. The committee uses academic and technical standards in selecting applicants for admission to a program track.
All Nursing applications are required to show written evidence of immunization for:
- Hepatitis B, completed series of 3, with evidence of such by the start of semester
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella
- Diphtheria Tetanus Toxoid within past 10 years
- Varicella
- Current (within 1 year) of PPD for tuberculosis
- Meningitis (please see San Antonio College Policy at
All applicants less than 35 years of age admitted to the Nursing Program are required to show written evidence of immunization for measles-mumps-rubella, which were administered after 1979. In addition, documentation of a current TB PPD test is required.
Once the student is conditionally accepted into the Nursing Program the student is required to have a criminal background check and drug-screening done to finalize acceptance and enroll in the nursing program. The student must present evidence of a clear background check and negative drug-screening.
Admission into the Nursing Program does not guarantee successful completion of the program or the NCLEX-RN. The degree program requirements, which are in effect upon admission to the Nursing Program, will be those used for establishing graduation eligibility.
Program Tracks
All required general education prerequisite courses for the ADN must be completed before applications to the nursing program. Applicants must have received a letter of acceptance from the Department of Nursing Education and have acknowledged in writing their intention to enroll. Qualified applicants who have been admitted to the Nursing Program will be registered the appropriate program track. Students must complete the program within 5 years of the date of program start.
Generic Track
Applicants must meet all admission requirements for the college and for the Nursing Program. This track is appropriate for students who have no prior nursing experience. This is a five semester program. Students are accepted in both Fall and Spring. Students must complete the program study within 5 years of the date of program start.
Career Mobility Track
This program option is designed for those individuals with prior education and experience in the medical field who wish to complete their AAS Degree in Nursing in a fast track 1 year (3 consecutive semesters). Individuals may enter this track from two different entry points:
1) Licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) or licensed practical nurses (LPNs) with a current LVN/LPN licensure
2) Military service members and veterans who are trained/served as Army Combats Medics, Navy Corpsmen, or Air Force Medics who have completed their program in the last 10 years. The nursing theory didactic courses are online and the concurrent clinical courses are face to face in San Antonio, Texas.
In addition to being admitted into the Nursing Program, the applicant must:
1) Submit proof of current LVN/LPN licensure.
2) Send official copies of Military transcripts awarding credit for training as Army Combats Medics, Navy Corpsmen, or Air Force Medics and college work pertaining to outside the Alamo colleges to the College Admissions and Records Office and the Department of Nursing Education.
3) Submit proof of clear background check from the Texas Board of Nursing.
Important Note: Evening courses are offered through the San Antonio College Nursing Program, but clinical courses cannot be guaranteed and are offered based on clinical site availability.
San Antonio College Department of Nursing Education has joined a statewide consortium that provides a 1+2+1 degree plan for a seamless transition from the ADN to the BSN degree. Upon successful completion of the ADN degree and NCLEX-RN examination, the graduate may transfer to a University in the consortium space available and complete the BSN in 2 semesters online. Maintenance of GPA of 2.5 in all general education courses. This track will be effective starting Fall, 2014.
Consortium Degree Plan ADN to RN-BS 1+ 2+1
Year 1
Nursing starts
Year 2
ADN complete
Year 3
BSN complete
1st Summer
BIOL 2401 A&P I *
PSYC 2301 General *
ENGL 1302***
GOVT 2301 or 2305***
2nd Summer
BIOL 2402 A&P II *
PSYC 2314 Lifespan*
HIST 1301**
GOVT 2302 or 2306***
1st semester
RNSG 1270 Intro to Concepts
RNSG 1271 Professional Nursing Competencies
RNSG Health Care Concepts 1
RNSG 1161 Clinical: Health Care Concepts 1
RNSG 1171 Professional Nursing Concepts 1
CHEM 1305 Intro with CHEM Lab 1105 (or CHEM 1405)**
ENGL 1301**
RNSG 2573 Health Care Concepts 3
RNSG 2363 Clinical: Health Care Concepts 3
RNSG 2174 Professional Nursing Concepts 3
HIST 1302***
Visual & Performing Arts***
University - 15 Nursing hours online courses
2nd semester
RNSG 2572 Health Care Concepts 2
RNSG 2362 Clinical: Health Care Concepts 2
RNSG 2172 Professional Nursing Concepts 2
BIOL 2420 Micro**
PHIL 2306 Ethics**
RNSG 2574 Health Care Concepts 4
RNSG 2363 Clinical: Health Care Concepts 4
RNSG 2174 Professional Nursing Concepts 4
MATH 1442 Math Statistics***
University 15 Nursing hours online courses
***These courses are required for the BSN and may be taken at any time during the semester or summer before application to the university
1) AAS degree
2) Registered Nurse
3) Completion of all general education courses for the BSN
If all 3 complete, graduate may apply to any university in the consortium and transfer space available
Total - 120 hours
for BSN
* Pre-requisites
** Requirements for Gen Ed Courses for AAS
** *Required General Ed Courses for BSN
Year 1- Completion of all ADN general education prerequisite courses prior to application to the nursing department with a minimum 2.5 GPA in the prerequisites
Years 2 & 3 – Completion of all nursing courses in conjunction with the general education courses required for the AAS and BSN
Year 4 – Upon graduation from the ADN program and successful completion of the NCLEX-RN examination, the graduate may transfer to a BSN program in the consortium, space available, and complete 30 hours in 2 semesters online and earn the BSN with 120 college hours.
General education courses required for the BSN in the 1+2+1 ADN to RN to BSN degree plan include the following:
- Engl 1302
- Hist 1301 and Hist 1302
- Govt 2301 or 2305 and Govt 2302 or 2306
- Visual and Performing Arts - any course in music, dance, art, drama or theater
- Math 1442 – Math Statistics
Continuing Education
Non-credit, short-term continuing education courses are offered by San Antonio College Continuing Education Department. The intent of these offerings is to further refine skills acquired by nurses, nursing students and other health care providers in their education or to provide knowledge of newer developments in the occupation of health careers. Contact 210-486-1183 for offerings.
Programs and Courses - Nursing Education Nursing Education
Associate of Applied Science
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