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  Mar 13, 2025
San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2020-2021 
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San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2020-2021 [Archived Catalog]

Music FOS

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Field of Study Statement

A Field of Study (FOS) is a selection of lower-division courses that are guaranteed by state law to transfer and apply to a degree program. If a student takes all the courses in an FOS and then transfers to another Texas public institution of higher education, the FOS is guaranteed to transfer as a block and be applied to the appropriate major. If a student has completed the FOS, the Texas common core curriculum, and any university or college courses required of all students regardless of major, then the student is finished with all the lower-division courses for the degree program at any Texas public institution. If a student transfer with an incomplete FOS, then each completed FOS course is guaranteed to transfer and apply to the degree program, although the institution many require additional lower-division courses.

For additional information regarding Field of Study Curricula visit the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board website.

Field of Study Required Courses (Total Credit Hours: 31)

The Field of Study Curriculum for Music is the set of lower-division courses that must be applied to the bachelor's degree with a major in Music. The Field of Study Curriculum for Music should be followed by community and technical colleges to structure a transfer curriculum in music.

The Field of Study Curriculum for Music shall consist of 31 lower-division semester credit hours that are fully applicable to a bachelor’s degree with a major in Music. The entire block of courses shall be applied to a bachelor’s degree with a major in Music or on a course- by-course basis.

General Education Core Curriculum Courses The Field of Study Curriculum for Music should serve as the basis for structuring the associate degree. Each two-year college determines which courses from its approved general education core curriculum, along with the Field of Study Curriculum for Music, constitute a 60- semester-credit-hour transfer block. Students shall complete the remaining general education core curriculum in effect at the receiving institution

Applied Study (8 SCH)

Applied Music

MUAP 12XX (Major Level)
MUAP 12XX (Major Level)
MUAP 22XX (Major Level)
MUAP 22XX (Major Level)

Music Literature (3 credit hours)

Introduction to Music Literature

Ensembles (4 SCH)

Instrumental and/or Vocal Ensembles

Select any 4 MUEN 11XX courses ~May be repeated for credit 

Keyboard Competency (Recommended)

Keyboard (piano) proficiency is a requirement for most baccalaureate degrees in music. Instruction in keyboard skills is generally offered in the first two years of undergraduate study. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that community college degree plans include courses in group piano or applied piano lessons even though they are not part of the Field of Study Curriculum for Music. Keyboard proficiency courses approved for transfer are courses in group piano or applied piano lessons that concentrate specifically on the development of skills for passing keyboard proficiency examinations. Keyboard courses that concentrate primarily on performance literature are not considered keyboard proficiency courses. Completion of courses leading to keyboard proficiency does not necessarily satisfy the requirement at a receiving institution.
Recommended Courses:


CIP Code:  50.0901

Major Code:  MUSI

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