San Antonio College Schedule/Catalog 2014-2015 [Archived Catalog]
Programs and Courses - Language, Philosophy and Culture
Language, Philosophy and Culture
Associate of Arts
ARAB 1411 - Elementary Arabic I Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the Arabic language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0101.51 13
ARAB 1412 - Elementary Arabic II Prerequisites: ARAB 1411 , or departmental approval
Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the Arabic language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course is a continuation of ARAB 1411
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0101.51 13
ARAB 2311 - Intermediate Arabic I Prerequisites: ARAB 1412
Review and application of skills in listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes conversation, vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and culture.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0101.52 13
ARAB 2312 - Intermediate Arabic II Prerequisites: ARAB 2311
Continuation and extension of ARAB 2311 review and application of skills in listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes advanced skills in conversation, vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and culture.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0101.52 13
CHIN 1411 - Elementary Chinese I Introduction to the fundamentals of the Chinese language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Language lab is required.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0301.51 13
CHIN 1412 - Elementary Chinese II Prerequisites: CHIN 1411 or departmental approval
Introduction to the fundamentals of the Chinese language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Language lab is required. This is a continuation of CHIN 1411
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0301.51 13
CHIN 2311 - Intermediate Chinese I Prerequisites: CHIN 1412 or equivalent
Review and application of skills in listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes conversation, vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and culture.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0301.52 13
CHIN 2312 - Intermediate Chinese II Continuation of review and application of skills in listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes conversation, vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and culture.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0301.52 13
ENGA 0351 - Composition and Grammar Prerequisites: ESLA 0341 and ESLA 0342 with a grade of “C” or better, or placement exam, or departmental approval
This course is designed for non-native English speakers who need to acquire proficiency in composition and grammar in order to take college-level classes. Through guided writing practice on familiar topics, students have the opportunity to acquire the necessary writing and grammar proficiency for success in ENGL 1301 and other college-level classes. The course is taken concurrently with ENGA 0353 (Reading and Vocabulary). Students must pass the ENGA exit exam and earn a B or better in ENGA 0351 and ENGA 0353 to transition to college-level classes. Upon completion of ENGA 0351, students who need additional time to gain proficiency for college-level work will enroll in ENGA 0361 .
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.57 12
ENGA 0353 - Reading and Vocabulary Prerequisites: ESLA 0343 with a grade of “C” or better, or placement exam, or departmental approval
This course is designed for non-native English speakers who need to acquire fluency in reading comprehension in order to take college-level classes. Through reading authentic materials, including college texts and/or literature, students gain the necessary critical reading and thinking skills required for college-level assignments. The course is taken concurrently with ENGA 0351 . Students must pass the ENGA exit exam and earn a B or better in ENGA 0353 and ENGA 0351 to transition to college-level classes. Upon completion of ENGA 0353, students who need additional time to gain proficiency for college-level work will enroll in ENGA 0363 .
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.56 12
ENGA 0361 - Composition and Grammar Prerequisites: ENGA 0353 with a grade of “C” or better, placement exam, or departmental approval
This course is designed for non-native English speakers who have completed ENGA 0351 and need to acquire greater proficiency in composition and grammar in order to take college-level classes. Through guided writing practice on familiar topics, students have the opportunity to acquire the necessary writing and grammar proficiency for success in ENGL 1301 and other college-level classes. The course is taken concurrently with ENGA 0363 . Students must pass the ENGA exit exam and earn a C or better in ENGA 0361 and ENGA 0363 to transition to college-level classes.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.57 12
ENGA 0363 - Reading and Vocabulary Prerequisites: ENGA 0353 with a grade of “C” or better, or placement exam, or departmental approval
This course is designed for non-native English speakers who have completed ENGA 0353 and need to enhance their fluency in reading comprehension in order to take college-level classes. Through reading authentic materials, including college texts and/or literature, students gain the necessary critical reading and thinking skills required for college-level assignments. The course is taken concurrently with ENGA 0361 . Students must pass the ENGA exit exam and earn a C or better in ENGA 0363 and ENGA 0361 to transition to college-level classes.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.56 12
ESLA 0310 - Speaking/Listening I Prerequisites: Placement test or approval by instructor.
This is a beginning level course to develop listening and speaking skills in speakers of languages other than English and prepares them to understand and express oneself orally in an English-speaking society. Students will be made aware of the sounds, intonations and rhythm of American English.
Semester Hours: (3 -3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.55 12
ESLA 0311 - Writing I Prerequisites: Placement test or approval by instructor.
This beginning course develops basic grammar skills, spelling, punctuation, and sentence forms to assist non-native speakers of American English in constructing sentences.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.54 12
ESLA 0312 - Grammar I Prerequisites: Placement test or approval by instructor.
Students learn basic grammar structures appropriate for beginning students. ESOL 0311 is recommended as a companion course.
Semester Hours: (3 -3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.57 12
ESLA 0313 - Reading I Prerequisites: Placement test or approval by instructor.
This course focuses on academic reading and vocabulary building. Students learn to identify the main idea, context clues, word order, pronoun reference and signal words. They also preview, predict, understand and draw conclusions, scan, and summarize. Students also interpret diagrams, charts, and other visual content.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.56 12
ESLA 0320 - Speaking/Listening II Prerequisites: ESLA 0310 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course focuses on conversational and listening skills. Students learn to understand speakers at a normal rate of speech on a variety of topics. As students begin to use the sound, intonation, and rhythm of American English correctly, they will gain greater confidence and independence in the language.
Semester Hours: (3 -3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.55 12
ESLA 0321 - Writing II Prerequisites: ESLA 0311 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course further develops the students’ basic writing skills at the sentence level. In addition, it focuses on spelling, punctuation, basic grammar, and word order. Students construct simple and compound sentences and learn to write narratives, simple descriptions of situations, personal histories and everyday activities.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.54 12
ESLA 0322 - Grammar II Prerequisites: ESLA 0312 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course focuses on helping students to understand and produce basic grammar structures such as nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, verb tenses, and some modal auxiliaries. Additionally, study could include compound sentences and adverb clauses.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.57 12
ESLA 0323 - Reading II Prerequisites: ESLA 0313 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course focuses on academic reading and vocabulary building. Students learn to identify the main idea, context clues, word order, pronoun reference and signal words. They also preview, predict, understand and draw conclusions, scan, and summarize. Students also interpret diagrams, charts, and other visual content.
Semester Hours: (3 -3 - 0)
CIP: 32.0108.56 12
ESLA 0330 - Speaking/Listening III Prerequisites: ESLA 0320 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course helps students to develop the ability to listen and communicate in a range of social and academic situations. Class activities include listening to real-world sources from the internet, TV, and radio. Students narrate and describe events and situations; participate in group discussions on various topics; enhance vocabulary; and improve their pronunciation, stress, and intonation of spoken American English.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.55 12
ESLA 0331 - Writing III Prerequisites: ESLA 0321 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course focuses on helping students to use the writing process, including prewriting strategies such as brainstorming and mapping. They will organize information in a logical sequence, narrow the subject, formulate topic sentences and construct original paragraphs with supporting details and a conclusion. They will also use editing and revising strategies.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.54 12
ESLA 0332 - Grammar III Prerequisites: ESLA 0322 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course focuses on helping students to understand and produce basic grammar structures such as nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, verb tenses and some modal auxiliaries. Additionally, study could include compound and complex sentence such as adverb and adjective clauses.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.57 12
ESLA 0333 - Reading III Prerequisites: ESLA 0323 , placement test, or approval by instructor
This course focuses on academic reading and vocabulary building. Students learn to identify the main idea, context clues, word order, pronoun reference and signal words. They also read a variety of texts to preview, predict, understand and draw conclusions, make inferences, scan, and summarize. Students also interpret diagrams, charts, and other visual content.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.56 12
ESLA 0340 - Speaking/Listening IV Prerequisites: ESLA 0330 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course focuses on developing students’ skills necessary to listen and communicate in a range of social and academic situations. Class activities include listening to real-world sources from the internet, TV, radio, and college lectures. They also give short presentations and participate in group discussions on various topics. Students also improve their pronunciation, stress, and intonation of spoken American English.
Semester Hours: (3-3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.55 12
ESLA 0341 - Writing IV Prerequisites: ESLA 0331 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course focuses on helping students to use the writing process, including prewriting strategies (brainstorming and mapping), organizing information, editing and revising; producing original paragraphs and/or essays that include a strong topic sentence for a paragraph or thesis for an essay with parallel structure, complex sentences with subordination, a series of coordinated and coherent paragraphs and a conclusion that supports the topic sentence or thesis.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)
CIP: 32.0108.54 12
ESLA 0342 - Grammar IV Prerequisites: ESLA 0332 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
Students will review pronouns, verb tenses, and modal auxiliaries. In addition, students will study adverbial, adjective and noun clauses; gerunds and infinitives; and passive voice.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 32.0108.57 12
ESLA 0343 - Reading IV Prerequisites: ESLA 0333 , placement test, or approval by instructor.
This course helps students develop academic reading and build vocabulary. Students learn to more effectively identify the main idea, context clues, word order, and pronoun reference and signal words. They also read a variety of texts to preview, predict, understand and draw conclusions, make inferences, scan, paraphrase, distinguish fact and opinion, and summarize. Completion of ESLA 0343 with a grade of “C” or better is equivalent to READ 0301 .
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 1)
CIP: 32.0108,56 12
ESOL 0314 - Pronunciation This course focuses on the production of comprehensible oral language. Students listen to native speaker models in an attempt to produce spoken English that is reasonably easy to understand. A language laboratory provides opportunities for contrast study with the student’s native language.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.55 12
ESOL 0324 - Pronunciation This course focuses on improving students’ oral intelligibility. Students receive practice with English vowel and consonant sounds, stress, and intonation. Course work includes listening comprehension exercise and dictation.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.55 12
ESOL 0334 - Pronunciation Prerequisites: Placement exam or departmental approval for enrollment
Focuses on improving student’s oral intelligibility. Students receive practice with English vowel and consonant sounds, stress and intonation. Coursework includes listening comprehension and dictation.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 32.0108.55 12
FREN 1300 - Beginning Conversational French I For beginning students whose goal is to learn to communicate orally in French. Students will develop speaking, listening skills, and cultural awareness.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0901.54 13
FREN 1310 - Beginning Conversational French II Prerequisites: FREN 1300 , departmental approval, or placement exam.
For beginning students whose main goal is to learn to communicate in French. This is a continuation of FREN 1300 .
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0901.54 13
FREN 1411 - Elementary French I Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the French language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Language lab is required.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0901.51 13
FREN 1412 - Elementary French II Prerequisites: FREN 1411 , departmental approval, or placement exam.
Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the French language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course is a continuation of FREN 1411 . A language lab is required.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0901.51 13
FREN 2311 - Intermediate French I Prerequisites: FREN 1412 , departmental approval, or placement exam.
This course is a continuation of FREN 1412 . It provides additional development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Short literary selections are introduced in a context of French culture and civilization.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0901.52 13
FREN 2312 - Intermediate French II Prerequisites: FREN 2311 , departmental approval, or placement exam.
This course is a continuation of FREN 2311 . It provides additional development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Short literary selections are introduced in a context of French culture and literature.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0901.52 13
GERM 1300 - Beginning Conversational German I For beginning students whose goal is to learn to communicate orally in German. Students will develop speaking, listening skills, and cultural awareness.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0501.54 13
GERM 1310 - Beginning Conversational German II Prerequisites: GERM 1300 or departmental approval
For beginning students whose goal is to learn to communicate orally in German. Students will develop speaking, listening skills, and cultural awareness. This is a continuation of GERM 1300 . Language lab is available.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0501.54 13
GERM 1411 - Elementary German I Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the German language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Language lab is required.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0501.51 13
GERM 1412 - Elementary German II Prerequisites: GERM 1411 or departmental approval
Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the German language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Language lab is required. This course is a continuation of GERM 1411 .
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0501.51 13
GERM 2311 - Intermediate German I Prerequisites: GERM 1412 or departmental approval
This course is a continuation of GERM 1412 . It provides additional development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Short literary selections are introduced in a context of German culture and history. Language lab is available.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0501.52 13
GERM 2312 - Intermediate German II Prerequisites: GERM 2311 or departmental approval
This course is a continuation of GERM 2311 . It provides additional development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Short literary selections are introduced in a context of German culture and history.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0501.52 13
HUMA 1301 - Introduction to the Humanities I Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
An interdisciplinary, multi-perspective assessment of cultural, political, philosophical, and aesthetic factors critical to the formulation of values and the historical development of the individual and of society.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 24.0103.51 12
HUMA 1302 - Introduction to the Humanities II Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
An interdisciplinary, multi-perspective assessment of cultural, political, philosophical, and aesthetic factors critical to the formulation of values and the historical development of the individual and of society.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 24.0103.51 12
HUMA 1315 - Fine Arts Appreciation Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Understanding purposes and processes in the visual and musical arts including evaluation of selected works.
This course fulfills the Creative Arts foundational component area of the core and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Teamwork, and Social Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 50.0101.51 26
HUMA 2319 - American Minority Studies Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Historical, economic, social, and cultural development of minority groups. May include African-American, Mexican American, Asian American, and Native American issues.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 45.1101.53 25
ITAL 1311 - Beginning Conversational Italian I For beginning students whose goal is to learn to communicate orally in Italian. Students will develop speaking, listening skills, and cultural awareness.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0902.51 13
ITAL 1312 - Beginning Conversational Italian II Prerequisites: ITAL 1311 , or Departmental Approval
For beginning students whose goal is to learn to communicate orally in Italian. Students will develop speaking, listening skills, and cultural awareness. This is a continuation of ITAL 1311 .
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0902.51 13
ITAL 1411 - Elementary Italian I Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the Italian language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Language lab is required.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0902.51.13
ITAL 1412 - Elementary Italian II Prerequisites: ITAL 1411 , placement exam, or departmental approval.
Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the Italian language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Language lab is required. This is a continuation of ITAL 1411
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0902.51.13
ITAL 2311 - Intermediate Italian I Prerequisites: ITAL 1412 , or Departmental Approval
This course is a continuation of ITAL 1412 . It provides additional development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Short literary selections are introduced in a context of Italian literature and culture.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0902.51 13
ITAL 2312 - Intermediate Italian II Prerequisites: ITAL 2311 , or Departmental Approval
This course is a continuation of ITAL 2311 . This course familiarizes the student with different aspects of Italian literature and culture through the reading selections that serve as a basis for discussion and short compositions.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0902.51 13
JAPN 1311 - Beginning Conversational Japanese I For beginning students whose goal is to learn to communicate orally in Japanese. Students will develop speaking, listening skills, and cultural awareness.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0302.51 13
JAPN 1312 - Beginning Conversational Japanese II Prerequisites: JAPN 1311 or departmental approval.
For beginning students whose main goal is to learn to communicate orally in Japanese. This is a continuation of JAPN 1311
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0302.51 13
JAPN 1411 - Elementary Japanese I Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the Japanese language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Language lab is required.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0302.51 13
JAPN 1412 - Elementary Japanese II Prerequisites: JAPN 1411 or departmental approval
Introductory course that presents the fundamentals of the Japanese language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course is a continuation of JAPN 1411 . Language lab is required.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0302.51 13
JAPN 2311 - Intermediate Japanese I Prerequisites: JAPN 1412 or departmental approval.
This course is a continuation of JAPN 1412 . It provides additional development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Short literary selections are introduced in a context of the Japanese culture and literature.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0302.52 13
JAPN 2312 - Intermediate Japanese II Prerequisites: JAPN 2311 or departmental approval.
This course focuses on expanding the student’s ability to speak, read, and write Japanese. Different aspects of the Japanese culture are introduced through reading of literary selections that serve as a basis for class discussion and individual composition. This course is a continuation of JAPN 2311 .
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0302.52 13
LATI 1311 - Beginning Latin I This course is for students with little or no knowledge of Latin. Students work with short pieces of Latin text relating to Roman literature, history, and civilization.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.1203.51 13
LATI 1312 - Beginning Latin II Prerequisites: LATI 1311 or departmental approval
Themes in ancient literature and mythology are the focus of this course. Satisfactory completion equips the student for reading of classical and ecclesiastical Latin authors. This is a continuation of LATI 1311
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.1203.51 13
LATI 2311 - Intermediate Latin I Prerequisites: LATI 1312 or departmental approval
This course provides review and further mastery through readings in Roman civilization and history based on Latin prose authors. This is a continuation of LATI 1312 .
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.1203.52 13
LATI 2312 - Intermediate Latin II Prerequisites: LATI 2311 or departmental approval.
Review and further mastery through readings in Roman civilization and history based on the study of Latin poets.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.1203.52 13
PHIL 1301 - Introduction to Philosophy Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Introduction to the study of ideas and their logical structure, including arguments and investigations about abstract and real phenomena. Includes introduction to the history, theories, and methods of reasoning.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0101.51 12
PHIL 1304 - Introduction to World Religions Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
A comparative study of various world religions.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0201.52 12
PHIL 2303 - Introduction to Logic Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Math Basic Skills Prerequisite: MATH 0320 Nature and methods of clear and critical thinking and methods of reasoning such as deduction, induction, scientific reasoning, and fallacies.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0101.52 12
PHIL 2306 - Introduction to Ethics Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Classical and contemporary theories concerning the good life, human conduct in society, and moral and ethical standards.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0101.53 12
PHIL 2307 - Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Critical examination of the major theories concerning the organization of societies and government.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0101.54 12
PHIL 2316 - History of Classical and Modern Philosophy I Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Study of major philosophers and philosophical systems from ancient, through medieval, to modern times.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0101.55 12
PHIL 2317 - History of Classical and Modern Philosophy II Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Study of major philosophers and philosophical systems from ancient, through medieval, to modern times.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0101.55 12
PHIL 2318 - Contemporary Philosophy Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Study of major philosophers and philosophical systems from ancient, through medieval, to modern times.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0101.55 12
PHIL 2321 - Philosophy of Religion Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
A critical investigation of major religious ideas and experiences
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 38.0201.53 12
PHIL 2371 - Business Ethics Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
This course is an examination of principles of moral conduct from theoretically diverse perspectives, with an emphasis on issues that guide behavior in the world of business. Specific problems to be considered may include topics such as corporate responsibility, employee rights, the nature of the free enterprise system, environmental concern, and ethical business practices. Unique Need Course: Check with your transfer institution to verify acceptance of courses.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
SPAN 1300 - Beginning Conversational Spanish I For beginning students whose goal is to learn to communicate orally in Spanish. Students will develop speaking, listening skills, and cultural awareness.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0905.54 13
SPAN 1310 - Beginning Conversational Spanish II Prerequisites: SPAN 1300 , placement exam, or departmental approval
For beginning students whose goal is to learn to communicate orally in Spanish. Students will develop speaking, listening skills, and cultural awareness. This is a continuation of SPAN 1300 .
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0905.54 13
SPAN 1311 - Elementary Spanish I Introduction to the fundamentals of the Spanish language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course may additionally include supplementary vocabulary, information and perspective targeted at special populations such as health care, business, criminal justice or other specialized fields.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0905.51
SPAN 1312 - Elementary Spanish II Prerequisites: SPAN 1311
Introduction to the fundamentals of the Spanish language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course may additionally include supplementary vocabulary, information and perspective targeted at special populations such as health care, business, criminal justice or other specialized fields.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0905.51
SPAN 1411 - Elementary Spanish I Introduction to the fundamentals of the Spanish language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0905.51 13
SPAN 1412 - Elementary Spanish II Prerequisites: SPAN 1411 , Placement exam, or departmental approval.
Introduction to the fundamentals of the Spanish language and culture in order to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course is a continuation of SPAN 1411 .
Semester Hours: (4-4-1)
CIP: 16.0905.51 13
SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I Prerequisites: SPAN 1412 , placement exam, or departmental approval
This course is a continuation of SPAN 1412 . It provides additional development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Short literary selections are introduced in a context of Hispanic culture and civilization.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0905.52 13
SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II Prerequisites: SPAN 2311 , placement exam, or departmental approval
This course is a continuation of SPAN 2311 . It provides additional development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Short literary selections are introduced in a context of Hispanic culture and civilization.
This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0905.52 13
SPAN 2321 - Introduction to Hispanic Literature Selected short works in prose and poetry from Hispanic writers serve as a topic for discussion and composition. students refine language skills learned in previous levels using authentic Hispanic literary and historical selections at the basis.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 16.0905.53 13